Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Intelligence

Intelligence can be described in many creative ways through language. Idioms, particularly, offer a colorful array of expressions that capture the essence of intellect and wit. Here are twenty idioms that encapsulate the brilliance of a sharp mind.

Idioms That Describe Intelligence

1. Bright as a button

Meaning: Very intelligent or clever.

Example: She’s as bright as a button in math.

2. Sharp as a tack

Meaning: Extremely perceptive or acute.

Example: His answers were sharp as a tack.

3. Quick on the uptake

Meaning: Able to understand quickly.

Example: She was quick on the uptake in debates.

4. Brainiac

Meaning: Someone who is exceptionally intelligent.

Example: He’s a real brainiac in physics.

5. Know the ropes

Meaning: To be knowledgeable about something.

Example: She really knows the ropes of coding.

6. Wise as an owl

Meaning: Very wise, often implying age.

Example: Grandpa is wise as an owl.

7. Head and shoulders above

Meaning: Much better than others.

Example: He’s head and shoulders above his peers.

8. Egghead

Meaning: A person who is considered an academic.

Example: The egghead solved the complex equation.

9. Book smart

Meaning: Knowledgeable from studying.

Example: She’s book smart, especially in law.

10. Clever as a fox

Meaning: Cunningly intelligent.

Example: He’s clever as a fox in negotiations.

11. Street smart

Meaning: Having practical rather than academic intelligence.

Example: He’s very street smart in the city.

12. As smart as a whip

Meaning: Very quick-witted and intelligent.

Example: She’s as smart as a whip always.

13. Mastermind

Meaning: A person with outstanding intellect.

Example: He was the mastermind behind the invention.

14. Brainy

Meaning: Very intelligent, especially academically.

Example: She’s known to be exceptionally brainy.

15. Old hand

Meaning: Experienced and knowledgeable.

Example: He’s an old hand at French history.

16. Whiz kid

Meaning: A person skilled or proficient at something.

Example: The young whiz kid amazed everyone.

17. Thinking cap on

Meaning: Engaged in serious thinking.

Example: Put your thinking cap on now.

18. Ace up one’s sleeve

Meaning: To have a hidden advantage.

Example: He always has an ace up his sleeve.

19. Nerd

Meaning: A person very interested in academic pursuits.

Example: She’s a bit of a nerd about biology.

20. Ingenious

Meaning: Clever, original, and inventive.

Example: His solution was truly ingenious.


Idioms That Describe Intelligence

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