20 Idioms That Describe Journey

Idioms are a colorful and fascinating part of the English language, often used to describe various experiences. In this blog post, we will explore 20 idioms that beautifully capture the essence of a journey. These idioms offer insights and expressions that make the concept of travel and adventure more vivid and engaging.

1. A long road ahead

Meaning: Much work remains.
Example: We’ve got a long road ahead to finish this project.

2. At a crossroads

Meaning: Facing a choice.
Example: I’m at a crossroads in my career.

3. Hit the road

Meaning: Start a journey.
Example: Let’s hit the road early to avoid traffic.

4. Road less traveled

Meaning: Unconventional path.
Example: She chose the road less traveled in her career.

5. On the right track

Meaning: Doing well.
Example: You’re on the right track with your studies.

6. Off the beaten path

Meaning: Uncommon route.
Example: We took a trip off the beaten path and loved it.

7. Up and running

Meaning: Fully operational.
Example: Our new project is up and running smoothly.

8. Walk a mile in someone’s shoes

Meaning: Understand another’s situation.
Example: Try to walk a mile in her shoes before judging.

9. Cross that bridge when you come to it

Meaning: Deal with problems as they arise.
Example: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

10. Go the extra mile

Meaning: Put in extra effort.
Example: She always goes the extra mile for her clients.

11. Take the high road

Meaning: Choose a noble path.
Example: He decided to take the high road and apologize.

12. Pave the way

Meaning: Make progress possible.
Example: Her research paved the way for new discoveries.

13. At the end of the day

Meaning: Ultimately.
Example: At the end of the day, we must make a decision.

14. Off to a flying start

Meaning: Begin very well.
Example: The new store is off to a flying start.

15. Step up your game

Meaning: Improve your performance.
Example: You’ll need to step up your game to compete.

16. Get the show on the road

Meaning: Begin something.
Example: Let’s get the show on the road and start the meeting.

17. Run out of steam

Meaning: Lose energy.
Example: He ran out of steam halfway through the project.

18. Make headway

Meaning: Make progress.
Example: We are starting to make headway on the new plan.

19. Take the scenic route

Meaning: Take a longer, more pleasant path.
Example: We decided to take the scenic route home.

20. Blaze a trail

Meaning: Innovate.
Example: She’s known for blazing a trail in technology.

Idioms That Describe Journey


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