Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Laziness

In our fast-paced world, describing someone’s lack of hustle can be as colorful as the English language allows. This post explores 20 idioms that paint a vivid picture of laziness, each with a brief explanation and an illustrative sentence.

Idioms That Describe Laziness

1. Couch Potato

Meaning: A person who spends too much time sitting and watching TV.
Example: He’s become a couch potato this summer.

2. Lazy Bones

Meaning: Someone who is extremely lazy.
Example: Get up, lazy bones!

3. Slugabed

Meaning: One who stays in bed long after waking up.
Example: He’s a slugabed on Sundays.

4. Laid-back

Meaning: Relaxed or unhurried.
Example: He’s too laid-back about his studies.

5. Loafer

Meaning: A person who avoids work and spends their time idly.
Example: He’s nothing but a loafer.

6. Goldbricker

Meaning: Someone who avoids duties, especially by pretending to work.
Example: She’s known as a goldbricker.

7. Deadbeat

Meaning: Someone who is lazy and unreliable.
Example: Don’t be such a deadbeat!

8. Bum

Meaning: A lazy person who avoids work.
Example: He’s been a bum all week.

9. Slack

Meaning: To avoid exerting oneself in work.
Example: He slacks off too often.

10. Dilly-dallier

Meaning: A person who wastes time or procrastinates.
Example: She’s a real dilly-dallier.

11. Layabout

Meaning: Someone who habitually does little to no work.
Example: That layabout needs a job.

12. Slowcoach

Meaning: A person who acts or moves slowly.
Example: Hurry up, slowcoach!

13. Time-waster

Meaning: Someone who does not use their time productively.
Example: Stop being a time-waster.

14. Do-nothing

Meaning: A person who is inactive and does very little.
Example: He’s a complete do-nothing.

15. Featherbedder

Meaning: One who is overprotected at work.
Example: She’s a featherbedder, avoiding hard tasks.

16. Shirk

Meaning: To avoid or neglect a duty.
Example: He always shirks his responsibilities.

17. Goof-off

Meaning: A person who spends time idly or foolishly.
Example: He’s just a goof-off at work.

18. Dawdler

Meaning: Someone who takes more time than necessary to do something.
Example: She’s a dawdler with chores.

19. Lagger

Meaning: A person who falls behind or moves too slowly.
Example: Don’t be a lagger!

20. Malingerer

Meaning: Someone who pretends to be ill to avoid work.
Example: He’s a known malingerer.


Idioms That Describe Laziness

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