Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Leisure

Leisure time, those moments when we unwind and relax, is universally cherished. In this blog post, we explore 20 idioms that beautifully capture the essence of leisure. These phrases enrich our language, allowing us to express the joy and tranquility of our free time in colorful and vivid terms. Whether it’s a lazy Sunday or a quiet evening, these idioms will add flair to your descriptions of downtime.

Idioms That Describe Leisure

1. Kick back

Meaning: To relax completely.

Example: She likes to kick back with a good book.

2. Hang loose

Meaning: Remain relaxed and free from stress.

Example: On vacation, I just hang loose.

3. Take it easy

Meaning: Relax and not exert oneself.

Example: This weekend, just take it easy.

4. Chill out

Meaning: Relax or take time out.

Example: He chilled out at home all day.

5. Let your hair down

Meaning: Relax and enjoy oneself.

Example: At the party, she let her hair down.

6. Veg out

Meaning: Engage in relaxing or mindless activities.

Example: I’ll just veg out in front of the TV.

7. Lounge around

Meaning: Relax and spend time doing very little.

Example: We lounged around the pool all day.

8. Put your feet up

Meaning: Relax by sitting or lying down comfortably.

Example: Put your feet up and stay awhile.

9. Zone out

Meaning: Detach from reality and relax completely.

Example: He zoned out listening to music.

10. Unwind

Meaning: Relax after a period of work or tension.

Example: She unwinds with yoga after work.

11. Mellow out

Meaning: Relax and take things calmly.

Example: Just mellow out; everything’s fine.

12. Take a breather

Meaning: Pause from activity to relax.

Example: Let’s take a breather for a minute.

13. Take five

Meaning: Take a short break from work.

Example: I need to take five and clear my head.

14. Cool your jets

Meaning: Calm down and relax.

Example: Cool your jets, we have plenty of time.

15. Idle away

Meaning: Spend time lazily.

Example: He idled away his Sunday reading.

16. Put up one’s feet

Meaning: Rest and relax.

Example: She put up her feet after the hike.

17. Sit back

Meaning: Relax and not get involved.

Example: Sit back and enjoy the movie.

18. Take the edge off

Meaning: Relax or reduce intensity.

Example: A walk can take the edge off stress.

19. Wind down

Meaning: Gradually relax after stress.

Example: Wind down with some gentle music.

20. Lay back

Meaning: Relax or recline comfortably.

Example: He laid back in his favorite chair.

Idioms That Describe Leisure

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