Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Lies

In everyday communication, idioms enrich our language, offering colorful ways to express complex ideas succinctly. This blog post explores 20 idioms specifically crafted to describe lies, providing a fascinating glimpse into the creative expressions used universally to convey deceit.

Idioms That Describe Lies

1. Pull the wool over someone’s eyes

Meaning: Deceive someone by hiding the truth.

Example: He pulled the wool over her eyes.

2. Bend the truth

Meaning: Alter the truth slightly.

Example: Politicians often bend the truth.

3. White lie

Meaning: A harmless or trivial lie.

Example: She told a white lie to avoid drama.

4. Lie through one’s teeth

Meaning: Lie blatantly.

Example: He lied through his teeth in court.

5. Cook up a story

Meaning: Invent a false story.

Example: She cooked up a story effortlessly.

6. Give someone the runaround

Meaning: Mislead or deceive someone.

Example: The clerk gave me the runaround.

7. Pull a fast one

Meaning: Trick someone cleverly.

Example: He pulled a fast one at work.

8. Lead someone up the garden path

Meaning: Deceive or mislead someone.

Example: She led him up the garden path.

9. Throw dust in someone’s eyes

Meaning: Deceive by distraction.

Example: He threw dust in their eyes.

10. Pull someone’s leg

Meaning: Joke or tease by lying.

Example: I’m just pulling your leg!

11. Sell someone a bill of goods

Meaning: Deceive someone into buying something worthless.

Example: He sold her a bill of goods.

12. Take someone for a ride

Meaning: Cheat or deceive someone.

Example: They took him for a ride financially.

13. Cover up

Meaning: Hide the truth about something.

Example: The company covered up the scandal.

14. Fabricate

Meaning: Make up something untrue.

Example: He fabricated the whole story.

15. Bear false witness

Meaning: Lie or give false testimony.

Example: She bore false witness against him.

16. Spin a yarn

Meaning: Tell a long, far-fetched story.

Example: Grandpa spun a yarn last night.

17. Tell tales

Meaning: Spread rumors or exaggerated truths.

Example: He’s known to tell tales.

18. Pull the rug out from under someone

Meaning: Suddenly deceive or betray.

Example: He pulled the rug out suddenly.

19. Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: Someone who pretends to be harmless but is not.

Example: Trust him not; he’s a wolf.

20. Put up a smoke screen

Meaning: Distract or mislead from the truth.

Example: They put up a smoke screen during talks.

Idioms That Describe Lies

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