Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Money

Understanding idioms related to money can enhance your language skills and make your conversations more engaging. These expressions often reflect cultural attitudes towards wealth and financial matters. Here are 20 idioms that describe money, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence.

Idioms That Describe Money

1. A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Meaning: Saving money is as important as earning it.
Example: “He believes that a penny saved is a penny earned.”

2. Break the Bank

Meaning: To cost a lot of money.
Example: “Buying that car would break the bank.”

3. Cash Cow

Meaning: A reliable source of income.
Example: “The new product became the company’s cash cow.”

4. Cheapskate

Meaning: A person who is unwilling to spend money.
Example: “He’s such a cheapskate, never paying his share.”

5. Daylight Robbery

Meaning: Charging an exorbitant price.
Example: “The prices at that hotel are daylight robbery!”

6. Dime a Dozen

Meaning: Very common and not valuable.
Example: “These toys are dime a dozen.”

7. Easy Money

Meaning: Money obtained with little effort.
Example: “He thought gambling would be easy money.”

8. In the Red

Meaning: Owing more money than is available.
Example: “After the holiday, I’m in the red.”

9. Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Meaning: Money is not easy to get.
Example: “You can’t buy everything; money doesn’t grow on trees.”

10. Money Talks

Meaning: Money can influence decisions and actions.
Example: “In politics, money talks.”

11. Nest Egg

Meaning: Savings set aside for future use.
Example: “They have a nest egg for their retirement.”

12. On the House

Meaning: Free of charge.
Example: “The drinks are on the house tonight.”

13. Pay Through the Nose

Meaning: Pay too much money for something.
Example: “They had to pay through the nose for that service.”

14. Penny Pincher

Meaning: A person who is extremely frugal.
Example: “She’s a penny pincher, always looking for deals.”

15. Rags to Riches

Meaning: From poverty to wealth.
Example: “His journey from rags to riches is inspiring.”

16. Rolling in Dough

Meaning: Having a lot of money.
Example: “Since his promotion, he’s rolling in dough.”

17. Tighten One’s Belt

Meaning: Spend less money than usual.
Example: “We need to tighten our belts this month.”

18. Time is Money

Meaning: Time is valuable and should not be wasted.
Example: “Hurry up, time is money.”

19. Worth Its Weight in Gold

Meaning: Extremely valuable or useful.
Example: “Her advice is worth its weight in gold.”

20. Bring Home the Bacon

Meaning: To earn a living for the family.
Example: “He works hard to bring home the bacon.”

Idioms That Describe Money

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