Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Noise

Explore the vibrant world of language with these 20 idioms that vividly describe noise. Each phrase brings a unique sound to life, enhancing your expressions and enriching your conversations.

Idioms That Describe Noise

1. Ringing in the ears

Meaning: Constant noise perception.

Example: His concert left me with ringing ears.

2. Deafening silence

Meaning: A notable absence of sound.

Example: The room’s deafening silence was eerie.

3. Loud and clear

Meaning: Easily heard and understood.

Example: Your instructions came through loud and clear.

4. Make some noise

Meaning: Attract attention or celebrate loudly.

Example: Let’s make some noise for the team!

5. Quiet as a mouse

Meaning: Extremely quiet or silent.

Example: She entered quiet as a mouse.

6. Noise off

Meaning: Unwanted background noise.

Example: Can we reduce the noise off?

7. Roaring success

Meaning: A very successful event.

Example: The launch was a roaring success.

8. Screaming headlines

Meaning: Very exciting news titles.

Example: The paper had screaming headlines.

9. Whispering campaign

Meaning: Spread rumors secretly.

Example: They started a whispering campaign.

10. Echo through the ages

Meaning: Remembered or influential over time.

Example: His words echo through the ages.

11. Sound off

Meaning: Express opinions loudly.

Example: He loves to sound off on politics.

12. Cacophony of sounds

Meaning: Harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

Example: The street was a cacophony.

13. Hushed tones

Meaning: Speak softly, usually secretive.

Example: They spoke in hushed tones.

14. Silence is golden

Meaning: Being quiet is valuable.

Example: Remember, silence is golden.

15. Babble on

Meaning: Continue to talk about unimportant things.

Example: He can babble on for hours.

16. Muffled sounds

Meaning: Not loud because of being obstructed.

Example: I heard muffled sounds upstairs.

17. Ring out

Meaning: Sound loudly and clearly.

Example: The bells ring out at noon.

18. Sound the alarm

Meaning: Alert to danger or a problem.

Example: It’s time to sound the alarm.

19. Buzzing with activity

Meaning: A place full of busy noises.

Example: The market was buzzing today.

20. As loud as a lion

Meaning: Extremely loud.

Example: His voice was as loud as a lion.

Idioms That Describe Noise

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