20 Idioms That Describe Pain

Pain is a universal experience, and idioms are a powerful way to express it. These idiomatic expressions convey the intensity, type, and nature of pain in vivid and relatable terms. Here are 20 idioms that describe pain, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

1. A Pain in the Neck

Meaning: Annoying trouble
Example: This project is a real pain in the neck.

2. A Thorn in One’s Side

Meaning: Persistent annoyance
Example: He’s been a thorn in my side for years.

3. Agony of Defeat

Meaning: Intense disappointment
Example: The team felt the agony of defeat.

4. Bundle of Nerves

Meaning: Very nervous
Example: She’s a bundle of nerves before exams.

5. Dull Ache

Meaning: Persistent, mild pain
Example: I have a dull ache in my back.

6. Feel the Pinch

Meaning: Financial pain
Example: We’re starting to feel the pinch of inflation.

7. Hit a Nerve

Meaning: Provoke a strong reaction
Example: Her comment really hit a nerve with him.

8. Hurt Like Hell

Meaning: Extremely painful
Example: My leg hurts like hell after the fall.

9. In a World of Pain

Meaning: Severe suffering
Example: After the surgery, he was in a world of pain.

10. Itchy Feet

Meaning: Desire to travel
Example: I’ve got itchy feet after two years here.

11. Pain in the Butt

Meaning: Very annoying
Example: That task was a pain in the butt.

12. Pins and Needles

Meaning: Tingling sensation
Example: My foot’s gone to pins and needles.

13. Sharp Pain

Meaning: Intense, sudden pain
Example: I felt a sharp pain in my knee.

14. Suffer in Silence

Meaning: Hide one’s pain
Example: She chose to suffer in silence after the breakup.

15. Take a Beating

Meaning: Endure severe loss
Example: His ego took a beating after the critique.

16. Twist the Knife

Meaning: Make things worse
Example: She twisted the knife with her harsh words.

17. Walking on Air

Meaning: Very happy
Example: He was walking on air after the promotion.

18. Walking on Broken Glass

Meaning: Very uncomfortable
Example: Their relationship feels like walking on broken glass.

19. Wince with Pain

Meaning: Flinch from pain
Example: He winced with pain at the injection.

20. World of Hurt

Meaning: Great suffering
Example: He’s in a world of hurt after the accident.

Idioms That Describe Pain

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