Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Patience

In life, patience is a virtue often celebrated and necessary. This blog post explores 20 idioms that beautifully encapsulate the essence of patience, each with a concise meaning and a practical example to help you integrate them into everyday conversations.

Idioms That Describe Patience

1. Patience is a virtue

Meaning: Patience leads to better outcomes.

Example: “Remember, patience is a virtue at auctions.”

2. Slow and steady wins the race

Meaning: Consistent, patient effort often leads to success.

Example: “He invested wisely, slow and steady wins the race.”

3. Good things come to those who wait

Meaning: Patience is often rewarded.

Example: “Good things come to those who wait for sales.”

4. Rome wasn’t built in a day

Meaning: Significant achievements take time and patience.

Example: “Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor is skill.”

5. Keep your shirt on

Meaning: Be patient, don’t be hasty.

Example: “Keep your shirt on, they’ll call us soon.”

6. Hold your horses

Meaning: Wait a moment, slow down.

Example: “Hold your horses, let’s think this through.”

7. Cool your jets

Meaning: Calm down and be patient.

Example: “Cool your jets, the results will come.”

8. Bide your time

Meaning: Wait patiently for the right moment.

Example: “She bided her time before making an offer.”

9. All in good time

Meaning: Everything will happen when it’s supposed to.

Example: “All in good time, you’ll understand why.”

10. Time will tell

Meaning: The outcome will be revealed in the future.

Example: “Time will tell if our efforts pay off.”

11. Hang in there

Meaning: Remain persistent and patient.

Example: “Hang in there, the wait is almost over.”

12. At a snail’s pace

Meaning: Moving very slowly, requiring patience.

Example: “The project moves at a snail’s pace.”

13. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Meaning: Be patient and don’t assume early success.

Example: “Wait, don’t count your chickens yet.”

14. Patience wears thin

Meaning: Running out of patience.

Example: “Her patience wears thin with delays.”

15. A watched pot never boils

Meaning: Time feels slower when you’re waiting.

Example: “A watched pot never boils, stop checking.”

16. The patience of Job

Meaning: Having extreme patience.

Example: “He has the patience of Job with kids.”

17. Let the dust settle

Meaning: Wait for things to calm down.

Example: “Let the dust settle before deciding.”

18. Let the grass grow under your feet

Meaning: Delaying or waiting unnecessarily.

Example: “Don’t let the grass grow, act now!”

19. As patient as a saint

Meaning: Very patient.

Example: “She’s as patient as a saint with errors.”

20. To play the waiting game

Meaning: To stay patient until the opportunity arises.

Example: “We’re playing the waiting game with stocks.”

Idioms That Describe Patience

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