20 Idioms That Describe Pleasure

Pleasure is a universal emotion, and language often captures this feeling through idioms. Idioms are phrases that convey meanings different from their literal interpretations, adding color and depth to our communication. Here are 20 idioms that vividly describe various forms of pleasure, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

1. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: She was on cloud nine after the promotion.

2. Over the Moon

Meaning: Very delighted
Example: He was over the moon with his exam results.

3. In Seventh Heaven

Meaning: In a state of bliss
Example: They were in seventh heaven on their wedding day.

4. Jump for Joy

Meaning: Very excited
Example: The kids jumped for joy at the surprise party.

5. Walk on Air

Meaning: Feel very happy
Example: She felt like she was walking on air.

6. On Top of the World

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: Winning the award made him feel on top of the world.

7. Grin from Ear to Ear

Meaning: Smile widely
Example: He was grinning from ear to ear after the good news.

8. Be in High Spirits

Meaning: Very cheerful
Example: She was in high spirits at the celebration.

9. Make One’s Day

Meaning: Make someone very happy
Example: The compliment really made her day.

10. Tickled Pink

Meaning: Delighted
Example: She was tickled pink by the birthday surprise.

11. Overjoyed

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: He was overjoyed with the gift.

12. On a High

Meaning: Feeling euphoric
Example: She was on a high after the concert.

13. Full of the Joys of Spring

Meaning: Very happy and lively
Example: He was full of the joys of spring this morning.

14. Happy as a Clam

Meaning: Very content
Example: She looked as happy as a clam at the beach.

15. Have a Ball

Meaning: Have a great time
Example: They had a ball at the party.

16. In a Good Place

Meaning: Mentally happy
Example: He’s in a good place after the vacation.

17. Light Up

Meaning: Show happiness
Example: Her face lit up when she saw the puppies.

18. Like a Dog with Two Tails

Meaning: Extremely happy
Example: He was like a dog with two tails with the new toy.

19. Paint the Town Red

Meaning: Celebrate enthusiastically
Example: They decided to paint the town red after the win.

20. Be on the Up and Up

Meaning: Improving and happy
Example: His mood is on the up and up lately.

Idioms That Describe Pleasure

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