Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Power

Power can be expressed in various ways through idiomatic expressions. Understanding these idioms will enhance your ability to describe authority, influence, and control in different contexts. Here are 20 idioms that vividly illustrate the concept of power, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence.

Idioms That Describe Power

1. The upper hand

Meaning: Advantage or control over someone or something.
Example: She gained the upper hand in the negotiation.

2. Call the shots

Meaning: To be in control and make decisions.
Example: As manager, he calls the shots at work.

3. Hold all the cards

Meaning: To be in a strong position in a situation.
Example: With his skills, he holds all the cards.

4. In the driver’s seat

Meaning: To be in control of a situation.
Example: She felt in the driver’s seat after the promotion.

5. Pull strings

Meaning: To use influence to get what you want.
Example: He pulled strings to secure the job.

6. Rule the roost

Meaning: To be the person who makes all the decisions in a group.
Example: She rules the roost in the household.

7. The powers that be

Meaning: The people in authority.
Example: The powers that be decided to change the rules.

8. At the helm

Meaning: In a position of leadership.
Example: He is at the helm of the new project.

9. A big fish

Meaning: An important or powerful person.
Example: He became a big fish in the tech industry.

10. Call the shots

Meaning: To make decisions and be in control.
Example: As team leader, she calls the shots.

11. Take the reins

Meaning: To take control of something.
Example: She decided to take the reins of the project.

12. Top dog

Meaning: The most important person in a group.
Example: He worked hard to become the top dog at the firm.

13. Wear the pants

Meaning: To be the dominant partner in a relationship.
Example: She clearly wears the pants in their marriage.

14. On top of the world

Meaning: Feeling powerful and successful.
Example: After winning the award, she felt on top of the world.

15. Hold sway

Meaning: To have great influence over someone.
Example: His ideas hold sway in the committee.

16. King of the hill

Meaning: The person in the highest position.
Example: He is the king of the hill in this company.

17. Keep under one’s thumb

Meaning: To have control over someone.
Example: He kept his subordinates under his thumb.

18. In one’s pocket

Meaning: Under someone’s control or influence.
Example: The mayor has the media in his pocket.

19. On a power trip

Meaning: Using power aggressively.
Example: His boss is always on a power trip.

20. Under one’s thumb

Meaning: Controlled or dominated by someone.
Example: She kept her assistant under her thumb.

Idioms That Describe Power

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