Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Revenge

Revenge is a powerful emotion that often leads to intense actions and strong feelings. Idioms provide a colorful way to describe the concept of revenge, illustrating the different facets and impacts it can have. Here are 20 idioms that capture the essence of seeking vengeance.

Idioms That Describe Revenge

1. An eye for an eye

Meaning: Retaliate in kind.

Example: He sought an eye for an eye after the betrayal.

2. Get even

Meaning: Take revenge.

Example: She planned to get even with her rival.

3. Payback time

Meaning: Time for revenge.

Example: After years of suffering, it’s payback time.

4. Settle the score

Meaning: Take revenge.

Example: He decided to settle the score with his enemy.

5. Taste of their own medicine

Meaning: Experience the same bad treatment.

Example: She gave them a taste of their own medicine.

6. Give someone a dose of their own medicine

Meaning: Treat someone the way they treated you.

Example: He got a dose of his own medicine finally.

7. Get your own back

Meaning: Get revenge.

Example: She got her own back on her ex.

8. A dish best served cold

Meaning: Revenge is better when delayed.

Example: She believes revenge is a dish best served cold.

9. Vengeance is mine

Meaning: I will take revenge.

Example: He declared, “Vengeance is mine.”

10. Even the score

Meaning: Take revenge.

Example: She wanted to even the score after being wronged.

11. Retaliation in kind

Meaning: Respond similarly.

Example: He planned retaliation in kind for the insult.

12. Turn the tables

Meaning: Reverse the situation.

Example: She turned the tables on her competitor.

13. Get back at

Meaning: Take revenge.

Example: He wanted to get back at those who hurt him.

14. Have the last laugh

Meaning: Get revenge by succeeding.

Example: She had the last laugh by winning the award.

15. Strike back

Meaning: Retaliate.

Example: They struck back after the initial attack.

16. Take someone down a peg

Meaning: Humiliate as revenge.

Example: She took him down a peg after his arrogance.

17. Exact revenge

Meaning: Take revenge.

Example: He vowed to exact revenge for the betrayal.

18. Give tit for tat

Meaning: Give equal retaliation.

Example: She gave tit for tat for his actions.

19. Take it out on

Meaning: Express anger as revenge.

Example: He took it out on his colleagues unfairly.

20. Seek retribution

Meaning: Pursue revenge.

Example: She sought retribution for her family’s suffering.

Idioms That Describe Revenge

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