Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Sadness

Sadness is a universal emotion, often expressed through idioms that capture the depth and nuance of our feelings. Understanding these idioms can enhance your communication, making it more vivid and relatable. Here are 20 idioms that describe sadness, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

Idioms That Describe Sadness

1. Down in the Dumps

Meaning: Feeling very sad or depressed.

Example: She’s been down in the dumps since the breakup.

2. Feeling Blue

Meaning: Feeling sad or melancholic.

Example: He’s feeling blue after hearing the bad news.

3. Heartbroken

Meaning: Extremely sad and disappointed.

Example: She was heartbroken when her pet died.

4. Crying Over Spilled Milk

Meaning: Being upset over something that can’t be changed.

Example: Don’t cry over spilled milk; it’s already done.

5. In a Funk

Meaning: In a state of depression.

Example: He’s been in a funk since he lost his job.

6. Downhearted

Meaning: Feeling very sad or discouraged.

Example: She felt downhearted after failing the exam.

7. Heavy Heart

Meaning: Feeling deeply sad or troubled.

Example: With a heavy heart, he said goodbye.

8. Long Face

Meaning: Looking sad or disappointed.

Example: Why the long face? Did something happen?

9. Broken-Hearted

Meaning: Overwhelmingly sad due to a loss.

Example: She was broken-hearted after the sudden breakup.

10. Beside Oneself

Meaning: Overwhelmed with sadness or grief.

Example: He’s beside himself with sorrow after the loss.

11. In the Depths of Despair

Meaning: Experiencing extreme sadness.

Example: She was in the depths of despair after the tragedy.

12. Tears Rolling Down

Meaning: Crying uncontrollably from sadness.

Example: Tears rolled down her face during the sad movie.

13. Gutted

Meaning: Extremely disappointed or sad.

Example: He was gutted when he missed the concert.

14. Feeling Low

Meaning: Feeling sad and depressed.

Example: He’s been feeling low since his friend moved away.

15. Mourning

Meaning: Grieving the loss of someone or something.

Example: She’s still mourning the loss of her mother.

16. Crying a River

Meaning: Crying a lot from sadness.

Example: She cried a river after the argument.

17. Downcast

Meaning: Feeling despondent or dejected.

Example: He looked downcast after hearing the bad news.

18. In the Doldrums

Meaning: Feeling depressed or low-spirited.

Example: She’s been in the doldrums since the accident.

19. Sinking Feeling

Meaning: A feeling of dread or sadness.

Example: He had a sinking feeling when he heard the news.

20. Shattered

Meaning: Extremely upset or distressed.

Example: She was shattered by the news of his passing.

Idioms That Describe Sadness

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