20 Idioms That Describe Shame

Feeling ashamed can be challenging, and expressing this emotion accurately is important. Idioms provide a colorful way to convey the sense of shame in various situations. Here are 20 idioms that describe shame, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Hang One’s Head

Meaning: Feel ashamed

Example: He hung his head in shame after forgetting his friend’s birthday.

2. Eat Humble Pie

Meaning: Apologize and face humiliation

Example: After his mistake, he had to eat humble pie and apologize to everyone.

3. Lose Face

Meaning: Suffer a loss of respect

Example: She didn’t want to lose face in front of her colleagues.

4. Egg on One’s Face

Meaning: Appear foolish

Example: He had egg on his face after his wrong prediction.

5. Ashamed of Oneself

Meaning: Feel deep regret

Example: She was ashamed of herself for lying.

6. Red-Faced

Meaning: Blushing from shame

Example: He was red-faced when he realized his mistake.

7. Swallow One’s Pride

Meaning: Admit wrongdoing

Example: She had to swallow her pride and ask for help.

8. Bite the Bullet

Meaning: Endure a painful situation

Example: He bit the bullet and apologized for his behavior.

9. Come Down a Peg

Meaning: Lower one’s dignity

Example: His arrogant attitude came down a peg after his failure.

10. Hide One’s Face

Meaning: Feel deeply embarrassed

Example: She wanted to hide her face after the embarrassing incident.

11. Face the Music

Meaning: Accept consequences

Example: He had to face the music for breaking the rules.

12. Lower One’s Head

Meaning: Show regret

Example: She lowered her head when confronted with the truth.

13. Bow and Scrape

Meaning: Show excessive deference

Example: He had to bow and scrape to win back their trust.

14. Out on a Limb

Meaning: Risk embarrassment

Example: She went out on a limb with her bold statement.

15. Bend Over Backwards

Meaning: Try hard to please

Example: He bent over backwards to make up for his mistake.

16. Grovel

Meaning: Beg for forgiveness

Example: He had to grovel to get back in their good graces.

17. Humble Pie

Meaning: Admit one’s error

Example: He had to eat humble pie after his boastful claims were disproven.

18. Down in the Dumps

Meaning: Feeling very low

Example: She was down in the dumps after her public blunder.

19. Eat Crow

Meaning: Admit wrong and apologize

Example: He had to eat crow after the project failed.

20. Show One’s True Colors

Meaning: Reveal one’s shameful side

Example: His true colors showed when he was caught cheating.

Idioms That Describe Shame


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