Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Success

Success is often celebrated with colorful language that paints a vivid picture of achievement. Idioms, in particular, offer a creative way to describe various facets of success. In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 idioms that capture the essence of success, along with their meanings and examples to help you understand and use them effectively.

Idioms That Describe Success

1. Strike Gold

Meaning: Achieve great success.

Example: “After years of hard work, she finally struck gold.”

2. Hit the Jackpot

Meaning: Achieve unexpected success or good fortune.

Example: “Winning the lottery felt like hitting the jackpot.”

3. Break New Ground

Meaning: Achieve something innovative or unprecedented.

Example: “The scientist broke new ground with her discovery.”

4. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Extremely happy and successful.

Example: “He was on cloud nine after the promotion.”

5. Bring Home the Bacon

Meaning: Achieve financial success.

Example: “She works hard to bring home the bacon.”

6. Come Up Roses

Meaning: Turn out very well or successful.

Example: “After a rough start, everything came up roses.”

7. Touch the Sky

Meaning: Reach a high level of success.

Example: “With her new album, she touched the sky.”

8. Make a Splash

Meaning: Attract a lot of attention or success.

Example: “Her debut performance made a splash.”

9. Land on Your Feet

Meaning: Recover successfully from a setback.

Example: “Despite the layoffs, he landed on his feet.”

10. Make the Grade

Meaning: Succeed or meet a required standard.

Example: “He studied hard to make the grade.”

11. Have the Midas Touch

Meaning: Everything one undertakes is successful.

Example: “Every project he takes on turns to gold; he has the Midas touch.”

12. Hit a Home Run

Meaning: Achieve a significant success.

Example: “The new product launch hit a home run.”

13. Climb the Ladder

Meaning: Progress to higher levels of success.

Example: “She climbed the ladder quickly in her career.”

14. Come Out on Top

Meaning: Be the most successful.

Example: “Against all odds, they came out on top.”

15. Reach the Pinnacle

Meaning: Achieve the highest level of success.

Example: “He reached the pinnacle of his profession.”

16. Hit the Mark

Meaning: Achieve a target or goal.

Example: “Her presentation hit the mark perfectly.”

17. Go the Extra Mile

Meaning: Make extra effort to achieve success.

Example: “She always goes the extra mile for her clients.”

18. Ace the Test

Meaning: Perform exceptionally well.

Example: “He aced the test and impressed everyone.”

19. Seal the Deal

Meaning: Successfully complete an agreement or sale.

Example: “They sealed the deal after weeks of negotiation.”

20. Win the Day

Meaning: Achieve success in a difficult situation.

Example: “Her argument was so convincing, she won the day.”

Idioms That Describe Success

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