20 Idioms That Describe Support

Support is essential in life, providing stability and encouragement during challenging times. Whether it’s emotional, physical, or social, support helps us overcome obstacles and continue forward. This post explores 20 idioms that vividly describe the different forms and feelings of support, each capturing the essence of this indispensable element of human interaction.

1. Lean on

Meaning: Rely on someone
Example: She leaned on her friends during the crisis.

2. Back up

Meaning: Provide support
Example: I’ll back you up at the meeting.

3. Stand by

Meaning: Remain loyal
Example: He stood by me through thick and thin.

4. Hold up

Meaning: Offer support
Example: They held up the roof with makeshift supports.

5. Pull together

Meaning: Work collectively
Example: We pulled together to finish the project.

6. Keep someone afloat

Meaning: Help to survive
Example: His advice kept me afloat.

7. Bolster up

Meaning: Strengthen or support
Example: She bolstered up my confidence.

8. Throw a lifeline

Meaning: Offer crucial help
Example: They threw me a lifeline when I needed it.

9. Lift up

Meaning: Encourage or support
Example: Her kind words lifted me up.

10. Root for

Meaning: Show support
Example: We’re all rooting for you!

11. Stick up for

Meaning: Defend or support
Example: He stuck up for his teammate.

12. Have your back

Meaning: Protect or support
Example: Don’t worry, I have your back.

13. Pave the way

Meaning: Make easier
Example: His mentor paved the way for his success.

14. Give a leg up

Meaning: Assist, help someone improve
Example: The scholarship gave her a leg up.

15. Be there for

Meaning: Provide emotional support
Example: I’ll always be there for you.

16. Prop up

Meaning: Support or sustain
Example: Financial aid helped prop up the small business.

17. Rally around

Meaning: Come together to support
Example: The community rallied around the family.

18. Carry the torch

Meaning: Continue someone’s support
Example: She carries the torch for environmental causes.

19. Pick up the slack

Meaning: Compensate, support by doing extra
Example: He picked up the slack at work.

20. Go to bat for

Meaning: Support in facing challenges
Example: She went to bat for the team during the dispute.

Idioms That Describe Support

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