20 Idioms That Describe Touch

Touch is an essential part of human interaction, conveying emotions and intentions in a way words often cannot. In English, numerous idioms describe various aspects of touch, each adding richness to our communication. Here are 20 idioms that vividly illustrate the nuances of touch.

1. Hands-on

Meaning: Practical involvement

Example: He took a hands-on approach to teaching.

2. Touch base

Meaning: Make contact

Example: Let’s touch base next week about the project.

3. Get in touch

Meaning: Communicate

Example: I’ll get in touch with you later.

4. Lose touch

Meaning: Fail to communicate

Example: They lost touch after college.

5. Out of touch

Meaning: Unaware

Example: He’s out of touch with current trends.

6. In touch

Meaning: Updated

Example: She’s always in touch with the latest news.

7. Touch a nerve

Meaning: Provoke a reaction

Example: Her comment touched a nerve.

8. Touch and go

Meaning: Uncertain situation

Example: It was touch and go for a while.

9. Touch up

Meaning: Improve slightly

Example: She touched up her makeup.

10. Light touch

Meaning: Gentle handling

Example: Use a light touch when dealing with fragile items.

11. Feel the pinch

Meaning: Experience hardship

Example: Many families are feeling the pinch of rising costs.

12. Brush off

Meaning: Dismiss

Example: He brushed off their concerns.

13. At your fingertips

Meaning: Easily accessible

Example: Information is now at your fingertips.

14. Hot on the heels

Meaning: Close pursuit

Example: The police were hot on the heels of the suspect.

15. Under your thumb

Meaning: Under control

Example: He kept his employees under his thumb.

16. Handle with kid gloves

Meaning: Treat gently

Example: He handles his customers with kid gloves.

17. Feel out

Meaning: Explore gently

Example: I need to feel out their opinion first.

18. Rub the wrong way

Meaning: Annoy

Example: His attitude rubs me the wrong way.

19. Hands-off

Meaning: Not interfering

Example: The manager took a hands-off approach.

20. Touch a chord

Meaning: Stir emotions

Example: The song touched a chord with many listeners.

Idioms That Describe Touch

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