Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Tradition

Traditions anchor us to our roots and cultural heritage. This post explores 20 idioms that encapsulate the essence of tradition, offering a linguistic journey through practices that have stood the test of time.

Idioms That Describe Tradition

1. Old as the hills

Meaning: Extremely old and established.

Example: Our family recipe is old as the hills.

2. Set in stone

Meaning: Fixed and unchangeable, like traditional rules.

Example: These rules are set in stone.

3. Tried and true

Meaning: Tested and proven over time.

Example: This method is tried and true.

4. The old school

Meaning: Traditional or old-fashioned approaches.

Example: He prefers the old school techniques.

5. Time-honored

Meaning: Respected/traditional over many years.

Example: It’s a time-honored celebration.

6. From time immemorial

Meaning: Originating in the distant past.

Example: That belief is from time immemorial.

7. Through thick and thin

Meaning: Under all circumstances, traditionally.

Example: They’ve been friends through thick and thin.

8. Tried and tested

Meaning: Proven to be reliable through usage.

Example: Our traditional values are tried and tested.

9. Stand the test of time

Meaning: Endure and remain popular or right.

Example: These traditions stand the test of time.

10. Follow in one’s footsteps

Meaning: To adhere to someone’s traditional way.

Example: She follows in her grandmother’s footsteps.

11. Pass down the baton

Meaning: Transfer a tradition to the next generation.

Example: He passed down the baton gracefully.

12. Keep the home fires burning

Meaning: Maintain home traditions or values.

Example: She keeps the home fires burning.

13. Keep the flame alive

Meaning: Continue traditional beliefs or practices.

Example: They keep the flame alive every festival.

14. Like father, like son

Meaning: Resembling family traits or traditions.

Example: It’s like father, like son here.

15. Cut from the same cloth

Meaning: Sharing similar values or traditions.

Example: They are cut from the same cloth.

16. Carry the torch

Meaning: Continue a traditional cause or belief.

Example: He carries the torch of his ancestors.

17. A chip off the old block

Meaning: Similar to one’s parents in a traditional way.

Example: John is a chip off the old block.

18. Go down the beaten path

Meaning: Follow a traditional and well-known way.

Example: They always go down the beaten path.

19. Keep the wheel turning

Meaning: Maintain the continuity of tradition.

Example: Our festival keeps the wheel turning.

20. Hand down

Meaning: Pass something traditional to the next generation.

Example: Wisdom is handed down in stories.

Idioms That Describe Tradition

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