20 Idioms That Describe Training

Training is essential for mastering new skills and improving performance. Understanding idioms related to training can enrich your vocabulary and comprehension of how people express various aspects of learning and development. Here are 20 idioms that describe training, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence to illustrate its use.

1. On-the-job Training

Meaning: Learning while working.
Example: She gained experience through on-the-job training.

2. Learn the Ropes

Meaning: Understand basics.
Example: New employees must learn the ropes quickly.

3. Break the Ice

Meaning: Start a conversation.
Example: The trainer broke the ice with a fun activity.

4. Throw in at the Deep End

Meaning: Start without preparation.
Example: They threw him in at the deep end on his first day.

5. Under One’s Belt

Meaning: Achieved or learned.
Example: She has several certifications under her belt.

6. Cut One’s Teeth

Meaning: Gain initial experience.
Example: He cut his teeth in the tech industry.

7. Hit the Ground Running

Meaning: Start effectively.
Example: She hit the ground running in her new role.

8. Know the Ropes

Meaning: Be fully trained.
Example: After months of training, he knows the ropes.

9. Polish Up

Meaning: Improve skills.
Example: She polished up her presentation skills.

10. Brush Up On

Meaning: Refresh knowledge.
Example: He brushed up on his French before the trip.

11. In the Trenches

Meaning: Practical, real-life work.
Example: Training in the trenches provides real experience.

12. Boot Camp

Meaning: Intensive training.
Example: The sales team attended a boot camp for new techniques.

13. A Baptism of Fire

Meaning: Difficult first experience.
Example: His first week was a baptism of fire.

14. Get the Hang Of

Meaning: Learn to use.
Example: She got the hang of the new software quickly.

15. Trial by Fire

Meaning: Tested in a crisis.
Example: The new recruits faced a trial by fire during the busy season.

16. Hands-On Training

Meaning: Practical experience.
Example: The course offers hands-on training with real equipment.

17. Learn by Heart

Meaning: Memorize completely.
Example: He learned the safety procedures by heart.

18. Take Under Wing

Meaning: Mentor someone.
Example: The senior nurse took the new recruit under her wing.

19. Learning Curve

Meaning: Rate of progress.
Example: There’s a steep learning curve in programming.

20. Step Up to the Plate

Meaning: Take responsibility.
Example: She stepped up to the plate and led the training session.

Idioms That Describe Training

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