Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Ugliness

Idioms add color to our language, allowing us to express ideas in a creative and nuanced way. When discussing the less flattering aspects of appearances, idioms can provide a touch of humor or softness. Here are twenty idioms specifically used to describe ugliness.

Idioms That Describe Ugliness

1. Not a looker

Meaning: Not physically attractive.

Example: He’s kind, but not a looker.

2. Fell out of the ugly tree

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: Looks like he fell out of the ugly tree.

3. Hit with the ugly stick

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: He looks like he was hit with the ugly stick.

4. As ugly as sin

Meaning: Extremely unattractive.

Example: That building is as ugly as sin.

5. Wouldn’t win a beauty contest

Meaning: Not good-looking.

Example: She wouldn’t win a beauty contest.

6. Face for radio

Meaning: Unattractive face.

Example: He has a face for radio.

7. Fright for sore eyes

Meaning: Unpleasant to look at.

Example: That decor is a fright for sore eyes.

8. Not winning any beauty pageants

Meaning: Not attractive.

Example: He’s not winning any beauty pageants.

9. Ugly as a mud fence

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: As ugly as a mud fence.

10. Looks like he’s been in a fire

Meaning: Looks rough or damaged.

Example: Looks like he’s been in a fire.

11. Butter face

Meaning: Attractive body but not face.

Example: Everything’s good but her face.

12. Not much of a looker

Meaning: Not very attractive.

Example: He’s smart, not much of a looker.

13. Scare the horses

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: That mask could scare the horses.

14. Could stop a clock

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: That outfit could stop a clock.

15. Homely as a mule

Meaning: Very plain or unattractive.

Example: As homely as a mule.

16. As ugly as a hatful of arseholes

Meaning: Extremely ugly.

Example: That car is as ugly as a hatful of arseholes.

17. Like a bulldog chewing a wasp

Meaning: An angry, ugly expression.

Example: Looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

18. Makes onions cry

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: He’s so ugly, makes onions cry.

19. Like a bag of spanners

Meaning: Very unattractive.

Example: Looks like a bag of spanners.

20. Has a face only a mother could love

Meaning: Only appealing to someone’s mother.

Example: A face only a mother could love.

Idioms That Describe Ugliness

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