Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Urgency

In our fast-paced world, conveying a sense of urgency is often crucial. Whether in writing or speech, using idioms can effectively express the need for swift action or immediate attention. Here are 20 idioms that masterfully capture the essence of urgency, each illustrated with a concise meaning and a quick example to help you understand and use them aptly.

Idioms That Describe Urgency

1. Against the clock

Meaning: Working with a strict time limit
Example: They worked against the clock to finish.

2. Down to the wire

Meaning: Until the last possible moment
Example: The project went down to the wire.

3. In the nick of time

Meaning: Just in time to prevent something
Example: Arrived in the nick of time to save her.

4. Burning the midnight oil

Meaning: Working late into the night
Example: He’s burning the midnight oil again tonight.

5. Time is of the essence

Meaning: It’s important to act fast
Example: Finish the task, time is of the essence.

6. On the double

Meaning: Quickly, without delay
Example: Report to my office on the double!

7. Make haste

Meaning: Hurry up
Example: Make haste! The meeting’s starting.

8. At breakneck speed

Meaning: Very fast or dangerously
Example: He drove at breakneck speed.

9. Race against time

Meaning: Hurry to beat a deadline
Example: It’s a race against time to finish.

10. No time to lose

Meaning: Must act immediately
Example: Act now, there’s no time to lose!

11. Beat the clock

Meaning: Finish something before a deadline
Example: They managed to beat the clock.

12. Speed up the process

Meaning: Make something go faster
Example: We need to speed up the process.

13. Time flies

Meaning: Time passes quickly
Example: Finish your test, time flies!

14. Under the gun

Meaning: Under great pressure to finish
Example: He was under the gun to deliver.

15. Press for time

Meaning: In a hurry or short on time
Example: Sorry, I’m pressed for time today.

16. Fast track

Meaning: Quickest route to achieve something
Example: Put this project on the fast track.

17. Rush job

Meaning: Task that requires quick completion
Example: This is a rush job, do it first.

18. Cut to the chase

Meaning: Get to the point quickly
Example: Please cut to the chase, we’re late.

19. Eleventh hour

Meaning: The last moment before an event
Example: Changes at the eleventh hour stressed all.

20. On a tight leash

Meaning: Under strict control or timeline
Example: The project’s budget is on a tight leash.

Idioms That Describe Urgency

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