Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Weather

Weather idioms add color to our conversations by using weather-related expressions to convey deeper meanings. These idioms can describe emotions, situations, and experiences with vivid imagery. Here, we explore 20 popular weather idioms, their meanings, and examples to help you understand and use them effectively.

Idioms That Describe Weather

1. Under the Weather

Meaning: Feeling unwell.
Example: She’s feeling under the weather today.

2. Come Rain or Shine

Meaning: No matter what.
Example: He jogs every day, come rain or shine.

3. Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Meaning: There is something good in every bad situation.
Example: After losing his job, he found a better one. Every cloud has a silver lining.

4. Take a Rain Check

Meaning: Postpone something.
Example: I’ll take a rain check on dinner tonight.

5. It’s Raining Cats and Dogs

Meaning: Raining heavily.
Example: Don’t go out now; it’s raining cats and dogs.

6. When It Rains, It Pours

Meaning: Problems often come together.
Example: First he lost his job, then his car broke down. When it rains, it pours.

7. On Cloud Nine

Meaning: Extremely happy.
Example: She’s been on cloud nine since she got engaged.

8. Fair-Weather Friend

Meaning: A friend only in good times.
Example: He’s a fair-weather friend; he disappeared when I needed help.

9. Throw Caution to the Wind

Meaning: Take a risk.
Example: They threw caution to the wind and invested all their savings.

10. Calm Before the Storm

Meaning: A quiet period before trouble.
Example: The meeting was peaceful, but it was just the calm before the storm.

11. Chase Rainbows

Meaning: Pursue unrealistic goals.
Example: He’s been chasing rainbows with his get-rich-quick schemes.

12. Steal Someone’s Thunder

Meaning: Take credit for another’s achievements.
Example: She stole my thunder by announcing her news right after mine.

13. Break the Ice

Meaning: Start a conversation.
Example: He told a joke to break the ice at the party.

14. Weather the Storm

Meaning: Survive a difficult situation.
Example: They managed to weather the storm and save their business.

15. Storm in a Teacup

Meaning: Exaggerate a small problem.
Example: Their argument was just a storm in a teacup.

16. Head in the Clouds

Meaning: Daydreaming, not focused.
Example: He always has his head in the clouds during meetings.

17. Snowed Under

Meaning: Overwhelmed with work.
Example: She’s snowed under with assignments this week.

18. Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Meaning: Take advantage of a good situation.
Example: He worked hard all summer, making hay while the sun shines.

19. Lightning Fast

Meaning: Very quick.
Example: She finished the project lightning fast.

20. Hot Under the Collar

Meaning: Angry or upset.
Example: He gets hot under the collar when things go wrong.

Idioms That Describe Weather

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