20 Idioms That Describe Fairness

Fairness is a crucial value in many aspects of life, promoting justice, equality, and impartiality. Understanding idioms that describe fairness can help you express yourself more clearly and effectively. Here are 20 idioms that encapsulate the essence of fairness, complete with brief meanings and examples to enhance your understanding and usage.

1. Level Playing Field

Meaning: Equal conditions
Example: The competition should be a level playing field for all.

2. Fair and Square

Meaning: Just and honest
Example: He won the match fair and square.

3. Even-Steven

Meaning: Equal situation
Example: We split the money even-steven.

4. By the Book

Meaning: Follow rules
Example: She does everything by the book.

5. Above Board

Meaning: Open and honest
Example: His actions were above board.

6. Cut and Dried

Meaning: Clear and straightforward
Example: The agreement was cut and dried.

7. The Same Boat

Meaning: Same situation
Example: We’re all in the same boat here.

8. Straight Shooter

Meaning: Honest person
Example: She’s known as a straight shooter.

9. Even-Handed

Meaning: Fair treatment
Example: The judge was even-handed in the trial.

10. No Favoritism

Meaning: Treat equally
Example: The teacher showed no favoritism.

11. Play Fair

Meaning: Follow rules
Example: It’s important to play fair in sports.

12. On the Level

Meaning: Honest and fair
Example: His intentions are on the level.

13. Give and Take

Meaning: Compromise
Example: Marriage requires give and take.

14. No Strings Attached

Meaning: Without conditions
Example: The donation came with no strings attached.

15. On the Up and Up

Meaning: Honest
Example: Her business dealings are on the up and up.

16. Square Deal

Meaning: Fair transaction
Example: We made a square deal on the car.

17. Pull No Punches

Meaning: Be straightforward
Example: He pulled no punches during the meeting.

18. Keep It Above the Belt

Meaning: Be fair and respectful
Example: In debates, it’s crucial to keep it above the belt.

19. Toe the Line

Meaning: Follow rules
Example: Employees must toe the line in the office.

20. Fair Crack of the Whip

Meaning: Equal opportunity
Example: Everyone deserves a fair crack of the whip.

Idioms That Describe Fairness

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