20 Idioms That Describe Smell

Smell plays a vital role in our daily experiences, often evoking strong memories and emotions. Understanding idioms related to smell can enhance your descriptive language, making your expressions more vivid and engaging. Here are 20 idioms that describe smell, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

1. A Breath of Fresh Air

Meaning: Refreshing change
Example: Her presence was a breath of fresh air in the office.

2. Smell a Rat

Meaning: Suspect deception
Example: I smell a rat in this deal; it seems too good to be true.

3. Nose in the Air

Meaning: Arrogant
Example: She walked in with her nose in the air, ignoring everyone.

4. Fishy Smell

Meaning: Suspicious
Example: His explanation has a fishy smell to it.

5. Sweet Smell of Success

Meaning: Enjoyment of success
Example: After years of hard work, she finally experienced the sweet smell of success.

6. Come Up Smelling Like Roses

Meaning: Emerge untarnished
Example: Despite the scandal, he came up smelling like roses.

7. Something Smells Funny

Meaning: Seems suspicious
Example: Something smells funny about their sudden wealth.

8. Follow Your Nose

Meaning: Trust instincts
Example: If you’re lost, just follow your nose.

9. Smell of an Oily Rag

Meaning: Very little
Example: He started the business on the smell of an oily rag.

10. Fresh as a Daisy

Meaning: Very fresh
Example: She looked fresh as a daisy after a good night’s sleep.

11. Smell Blood

Meaning: Sense vulnerability
Example: The competitors smell blood after the company’s recent mishap.

12. Smell the Coffee

Meaning: Realize reality
Example: It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee about your spending.

13. On the Scent

Meaning: Following a clue
Example: The detectives are on the scent of the thief.

14. Smell to High Heaven

Meaning: Very strong odor
Example: The garbage in the alley smelled to high heaven.

15. Clear the Air

Meaning: Resolve tension
Example: They had a meeting to clear the air after the argument.

16. Sniff Around

Meaning: Investigate discreetly
Example: He started sniffing around for more information about the project.

17. Rotten to the Core

Meaning: Completely corrupt
Example: The company was rotten to the core with fraud.

18. Stink Up the Place

Meaning: Cause a bad smell
Example: The fish market stinks up the place every morning.

19. As Sweet as Honey

Meaning: Very sweet
Example: Her voice is as sweet as honey.

20. Scent of a Woman

Meaning: Attractive femininity
Example: He was captivated by the scent of a woman.

Idioms That Describe Smell

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