Adjectives for Beauty, Words to Describe Beauty

We all have an understanding of beauty and its power to move us. It can be found in nature, artwork, music, and other so many places! Beauty stirs something within us; it’s both a simple and complex emotion that is difficult to define but undeniably captivating. To gain insight into beauty’s essence, sometimes language isn’t enough as our perception of what defines beauty varies from person to person.

That is why we have collected words describing beauty from around the world so you can expand your appreciation for this special emotion that leaves no one untouched. Get ready to explore how different cultures interpret this enduring idea in their native tongues!Adjectives for Beauty

20 Adjectives for Beauty

Angelic Exquisite Stunning
Gorgeous Splendid Lovely
Magnificent Charming Delightful
Alluring Elegant Graceful
Radiant Refined Delicate
Enchanting Divine Beautiful
Comely Fair

Words To Describe Beauty

1- Angelic: Reminiscent of an angel, with perfect beauty.

She has an angelic face, with perfect beauty.

2- Exquisite: Perfection in design or composition.

The intricate design of the palace was exquisite.

3- Stunning: Impressive, breathtakingly beautiful.

His stunning appearance left me speechless.

4- Gorgeous: Exceptionally attractive, with perfect form.

She looked gorgeous in her new dress.

5- Splendid: Showy, brilliantly beautiful.

The sunset was splendid and beautiful to behold.

6- Lovely: Charming, pleasant, and attractive.

Her lovely smile won him over.

7- Magnificent: Grandly beautiful or majestic.

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.

8- Charming: Pleasing or delightful.

He had an incredibly charming personality.

9- Delightful: Highly pleasing, joyful, and enjoyable.

It was delightful to be in her presence.

10- Alluring: Attractive and inviting, tempting.

Her alluring eyes drew him in instantly.

11- Elegant: Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

She wore an elegant dress to the event.

12- Graceful: Smoothly flowing with ease and beauty.

She was graceful in her movements.

13- Radiant: Glowing with a bright light or energy.

Her smile was radiant and captivating.

14- Refined: Cultivated, elegant, and polished in taste or appearance.

Her behavior was refined and proper.

15- Delicate: Fragile, tender, and exquisite in beauty.

She had a delicate beauty that could not be denied.

16- Enchanting: Captivatingly beautiful.

The forest was enchanting and peaceful.

17- Divine: Heavenly or of perfect beauty.

His voice had a divine quality to it.

18- Beautiful: Pleasing to the eye or senses.

She was absolutely beautiful in her wedding gown.

19- Comely: Attractive and pleasant to look at.

He had a comely face that made people take notice.

20- Fair: Of pleasing appearance and proportionate form.

She had fair skin and delicate features.

Related: Adjectives Starting With B

Synonyms of Beauty

1- Splendor

2- Charm

3- Loveliness

4- Magnificence

5- Gracefulness

6- Grandeur

7- Elegance

8- Allurement

9- Radiance

10- Attraction

11- Loveliness

12- Enchantment

13- Comeliness

14- Brilliance

15- Handsomeness

16- Prettiness

17- Glamour

18- Appeal

19- Majesties

20- Splendor

Words To Describe Beauty

20 Adjectives for Beauty Words To Describe Beauty Adjectives of Beauty in Example Sentences Synonyms of Beauty

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