Top 30 Adjectives for Crime (Negative & Positive Words)

Crime evokes a range of emotions and judgments. Adjectives can help capture the nuances and contexts in which crimes occur, allowing for a deeper understanding and varied perspectives.

Description of Crime

Crime refers to acts committed in violation of laws, leading to punishment if the perpetrator is caught and proven guilty.

Words to Describe Crime

Here are the 30 most common words to describe Crime:

  1. Heinous
  2. Petty
  3. Violent
  4. White-collar
  5. Organized
  6. Cyber
  7. Juvenile
  8. Unsolved
  9. Pre-meditated
  10. Opportunistic
  11. Brutal
  12. Misdemeanor
  13. Victimless
  14. Capital
  15. Blue-collar
  16. Victimizing
  17. Economic
  18. Corporate
  19. State-sponsored
  20. Financial
  21. Cold
  22. Gruesome
  23. Federal
  24. Infamous
  25. Non-violent
  26. Armed
  27. Serial
  28. Intellectual
  29. High-profile
  30. Victimful

Positive Words to Describe Crime

(Note: While crimes are generally seen as negative acts, some descriptors might be used in specific contexts to indicate lesser severity or different perspectives on crime.)

  1. Victimless
  2. Non-violent
  3. Petty
  4. Blue-collar
  5. White-collar
  6. Economic
  7. Intellectual
  8. Corporate
  9. Financial
  10. Opportunistic

Negative Words to Describe Crime

  1. Heinous
  2. Brutal
  3. Violent
  4. Gruesome
  5. Victimizing
  6. Armed
  7. Serial
  8. Cold
  9. High-profile
  10. State-sponsored

Adjectives for Crime (Meanings and Example Sentences)


  • Meaning: Shockingly wicked.
  • Sentence: The heinous act horrified the community.


  • Meaning: Minor, trivial offense.
  • Sentence: It was a petty theft charge.


  • Meaning: Using physical force.
  • Sentence: The violent robbery alarmed the town.


  • Meaning: Related to computers.
  • Sentence: The bank faced a cyber attack.


  • Meaning: Involving young people.
  • Sentence: He committed a juvenile offense.


  • Meaning: Not resolved.
  • Sentence: The case remains unsolved.


  • Meaning: Taking advantage.
  • Sentence: The theft was opportunistic.


  • Meaning: Cruel, harsh.
  • Sentence: The brutal crime was on the news.


  • Meaning: Leading to death penalty.
  • Sentence: He faces a capital charge.


  • Meaning: Financial in nature.
  • Sentence: The economic crime impacted investors.

Other Words to Describe Crime

Words to Describe Crime Scene

  1. Bloody
  2. Disturbed
  3. Chaotic
  4. Forensic
  5. Pristine
  6. Cordoned
  7. Grisly
  8. Documented
  9. Contaminated
  10. Analyzed

Words to Describe Crime Fiction

  1. Thrilling
  2. Suspenseful
  3. Dark
  4. Mysterious
  5. Intriguing
  6. Twisted
  7. Complex
  8. Gritty
  9. Hard-boiled
  10. Riveting

Words to Describe Crime and Punishment

  1. Justified
  2. Retributive
  3. Deterrent
  4. Rehabilitative
  5. Harsh
  6. Lenient
  7. Merciful
  8. Restorative
  9. Proportional
  10. Arbitrary

Words to Describe True Crime

  1. Real-life
  2. Documented
  3. Graphic
  4. Chilling
  5. Revealing
  6. Authentic
  7. Sensational
  8. Unfiltered
  9. Detailed
  10. Unsettling

Words to Describe Youth Crime

  1. Adolescent
  2. Rebellious
  3. Early-age
  4. Minor
  5. Peer-driven
  6. Inexperienced
  7. Misguided
  8. Non-serious
  9. Formative
  10. Impulsive

Words to Describe Bad Crime

  1. Atrocious
  2. Unforgivable
  3. Monstrous
  4. Malicious
  5. Cruel
  6. Sadistic
  7. Inhumane
  8. Vile
  9. Repugnant
  10. Appalling

Words to Describe Born a Crime

(Note: “Born a Crime” is a book by Trevor Noah, and the adjectives reflect themes or feelings related to the book.)

  1. Autobiographical
  2. Humorous
  3. Thought-provoking
  4. Eye-opening
  5. Engaging
  6. Heartfelt
  7. Candid
  8. Reflective
  9. Poignant
  10. Insightful

How to Describe Crime in Writing?

Crime, in its many forms, evokes strong reactions and paints vivid imagery. When writing about crime, one must consider the context and the message they aim to convey. Is it a straightforward reporting of events, or is there an underpinning commentary on society, psychology, or ethics? The choice of descriptors can significantly influence the reader’s emotions and perspective.

Using sensory details can make the account more immersive. The scene, the sounds, the atmosphere — all of these can be used to enhance the narrative and make it more memorable. The choice of adjectives, from the starkness of a ‘bloody scene’ to the cold calculation of a ‘premeditated act’, adds layers of depth.

Additionally, remember that crimes can be controversial and sensitive topics. Balance is essential. Being aware of biases, avoiding sensationalism, and respecting the affected parties will ensure that the description is both impactful and ethical.

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