Adjectives for Encouragement, Words to Describe Encouragement

A little bit of encouragement can go a long way, whether it is coming from a mentor, friend, or stranger. Encouragement has the ability to give us strength and hope and remind us that anything is possible. But what are the words that best describe this powerful feeling?

With so much to say about such an uplifting experience, here’s a list of adjectives you can use to accurately convey your feelings with others.

Adjectives for Encouragement

20 Adjectives for Encouragement

1- Inciting

2- Supportive

3- Enlivening

4- Inspiring

5- Stimulating

6- Reviving

7- Energizing

8- Motivating

9- Uplifting

10- Encouraging

11- Propitious

12- Promising

13- Upholding

14- Heartening

15- Confident

16- Reassuring

17- Inspirational

18- Empowering

19- Cheering

20- Hopeful

Related: Adjectives That Start With E

Words To Describe Encouragement

1- Inciting: inciting someone to action

His inciting words inspired me to pursue my dreams.

2- Supportive: providing support and encouragement

She was always supportive of my goals and aspirations.

3- Enlivening: filling with vitality or animation

Her words were enlivening, bringing life to the room.

4- Inspiring: making someone feel that they want to do something

His inspiring speech moved us all to act.

5- Stimulating: stimulating or motivating someone

The stimulating dialogue encouraged us to think creatively.

6- Reviving: bringing back life, vigor, or activity

His words revived our energy and enthusiasm.

7- Energizing: providing energy or enthusiasm

It was energizing to hear her words of encouragement.

8- Motivating: causing someone to want to act or do something

His motivating words propelled us to action.

9- Uplifting: raising the spirits of someone who is down

Her uplifting messages inspired us all.

10- Encouraging: giving someone courage, hope, or confidence

His encouraging tone gave us courage and hope.

11- Propitious: forming a favorable circumstance

We felt a propitious attitude from the atmosphere.

12- Promising: suggesting a good outcome

His promising words filled us with optimism.

13- Upholding: providing support or encouragement

He upheld our spirits when we were down.

14- Heartening: giving courage and hope

Her heartening words warmed our hearts.

15- Confident: feeling sure of oneself and one’s abilities

His confident attitude exuded strength and courage.

16- Reassuring: giving someone confidence or assurance

His reassuring words gave us comfort and assurance.

17- Inspirational: inspiring or causing someone to act

Her inspirational story made us want to do something.

18- Empowering: giving power or authority to someone

His empowering message gave me the strength I needed.

19- Cheering: making someone feel more cheerful and optimistic

His cheering words brought a smile to our faces.

20- Hopeful: expecting a favorable outcome.

We felt hopeful for the future after his inspiring words.

Synonyms of Encouragement

1- Applaud

2- Appreciate

3- Applause

4- Commend

5- Congratulate

6- Exhort

7- Inspire

8- Motivate

9- Nurture

10- Praise

11- Reassure

12- Salute

13- Stimulate

14- Support

15- Cheer

16- Encourage

17- Endorse

18- Uplift

19- Urge

20- Esteem

Words To Describe Encouragement

20 Adjectives for Encouragement Words To Describe Encouragement Adjectives of Encouragement in Example Sentences Synonyms of Encouragement

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