140+ Best Adjectives for Short, Words to Describe Short

Being short is a description that is often perceived differently depending on the situation. From feeling like you’re towering over everyone else at a crowded event, to watching all of your friends grow taller than you – it can be difficult to find the right adjectives to describe this experience.

Every person’s journey with being short looks different, so in this blog post, we’ll explore commonly used words for describing and understanding what it means to be “short”. Whether you want to talk about yourself or someone close to you, we’ll provide insight into finding the most fitting phrase for any situation. Let’s dive in!

Here are the 10 Most Popular Adjectives for Short:

  1. Small
  2. Brief
  3. Little
  4. Quick
  5. Petite
  6. Tiny
  7. Snappy
  8. Concise
  9. Compact
  10. Fleeting

Discover More: Adjectives For Shape

Adjectives for Short Words to Describe Short

Words to Describe Short

Here are Some Useful Words to describe Short with Meanings;

  1. Puny: Small and weak.
  2. Tiny: Extremely small in size.
  3. Petite: Delicately small and pretty.
  4. Diminutive: Unusually small in size.
  5. Shortened: Reduced in length or height.
  6. Stumpy: Short and thick in shape.
  7. Squat: Short and broad in build.
  8. Low: Not high in position or height.
  9. Compact: Closely packed and small.
  10. Lilliputian: Extremely small and miniature.
  11. Abridged: Shortened or condensed.
  12. Miniature: Very small in size.
  13. Midget: Offensive term for a very short person.
  14. Snub: Short and blunt in shape.
  15. Cropped: Cut short in length.
  16. Stubby: Short and thick.
  17. Fun-size: Small and cute.
  18. Bantam: Small and compact.
  19. Brief: Short in duration.
  20. Half-pint: Small in size or stature.

Short Description Words

Here are Short Description words with Meanings in English;

  1. Lackadaisical: Short in effort or enthusiasm.
  2. Mere: Small in quantity or degree.
  3. Pint-sized: Very small in size.
  4. Snug: Small and cozy.
  5. Succinct: Brief and to the point.
  6. Terse: Curt and brief.
  7. Truncated: Cut short or abbreviated.
  8. Wee: Very small in size.
  9. Lacking: Short of something.
  10. Microscopic: Extremely small and invisible.
  11. Pocked: Marked by small holes or depressions.
  12. Pygmy: Offensive term for very short person.
  13. Runt: An unusually small animal.
  14. Shrimpy: Offensive term for a short person.
  15. Snippy: Short-tempered and curt.
  16. Spartan: Small and austere.
  17. Stunted: Prevented from growing to normal size.
  18. Titchy: Very small in size.
  19. Trimmed: Cut short or neatened.
  20. Underdeveloped: Not fully grown or developed.

Adjectives for Short

Here is a Huge List of Adjectives that are used for Short:

  1. tiny
  2. petite
  3. compact
  4. concise
  5. brief
  6. fleeting
  7. momentary
  8. cursory
  9. abrupt
  10. sudden
  11. sharp
  12. snappy
  13. crisp
  14. succinct
  15. pithy
  16. laconic
  17. terse
  18. condensed
  19. abridged
  20. truncated
  21. clipped
  22. abbreviated
  23. reduced
  24. compressed
  25. shallow
  26. superficial
  27. skimpy
  28. scanty
  29. sparse
  30. limited
  31. meager
  32. inadequate
  33. insufficient
  34. short-lived
  35. fleeting
  36. ephemeral
  37. transitory
  38. evanescent
  39. vanishing
  40. fugitive
  41. hasty
  42. impulsive
  43. rash
  44. reckless
  45. sudden
  46. impetuous
  47. unthinking
  48. thoughtless
  49. unpremeditated
  50. spur-of-the-moment
  51. momentary
  52. passing
  53. evanescent
  54. fugitive
  55. short-term
  56. transitory
  57. temporary
  58. provisional
  59. makeshift
  60. expedient
  61. briefest
  62. swiftest
  63. quickest
  64. fastest
  65. fleetest
  66. snappiest
  67. promptest
  68. immediate
  69. briefless
  70. shrimpy
  71. stubby
  72. smallish
  73. pocket-sized
  74. mini
  75. miniature
  76. teeny
  77. teensy
  78. wee
  79. bitty
  80. itsy-bitsy
  81. little
  82. pint-sized
  83. compacted
  84. confined
  85. restricted
  86. bounded
  87. controlled
  88. uncontrolled
  89. limited
  90. narrow
  91. most concise
  92. briefest
  93. quickest
  94. fastest
  95. shortest
  96. swiftest
  97. promptest
  98. speedy
  99. agile
  100. efficient

Ways to Describe Short in Writing

Here are 20 amazing ways to describe Short in Creative Writing:

  1. The diminutive plant barely reached my ankle.
  2. Her petite stature made her easy to overlook.
  3. He was brief in his speech, not wasting time.
  4. Their abbreviated trip left them wanting more.
  5. A tiny ant struggled to carry the crumb.
  6. The concise explanation saved us precious minutes.
  7. She was known for her pithy remarks.
  8. That minuscule dot is actually a distant star.
  9. His curtailed visit left many questions unanswered.
  10. A truncated branch jutted from the tree trunk.
  11. The laconic message conveyed urgency and brevity.
  12. A microscopic organism can still make us sick.
  13. The undersized shirt barely covered his torso.
  14. They had a compressed schedule with little downtime.
  15. The compact car easily fit in tight spaces.
  16. I found the terse email quite off-putting.
  17. The stunted tree had faced harsh conditions.
  18. His squat frame made him appear even shorter.
  19. The abridged novel still retained the story’s essence.
  20. Her elfin features were delicate and charming.

Another word for small amount:

  1. Scant
  2. Minimal
  3. Meager
  4. Trivial
  5. Negligible
  6. Insignificant
  7. Sparse
  8. Paltry
  9. Modest
  10. Limited
  11. Slight
  12. Minute
  13. Nominal
  14. Tenuous
  15. Insubstantial
  16. Skimpy
  17. Marginal
  18. Frugal
  19. Piddling
  20. Token

Other words for small size:

  1. Minuscule
  2. Petite
  3. Diminutive
  4. Tiny
  5. Minute
  6. Microscopic
  7. Miniature
  8. Little
  9. Compact
  10. Teensy
  11. Lilliputian
  12. Wee
  13. Pint-sized
  14. Infinitesimal
  15. Mini
  16. Short
  17. Slight
  18. Undersized
  19. Bantam
  20. Dinky

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