Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Betrayal

Betrayal, a bitter sting that affects relationships and trust profoundly. In this post, we will explore 20 idioms that poignantly capture the essence of betrayal. Each phrase is accompanied by its meaning and an illustrative example, helping you to understand and express this complex emotion through the nuanced power of language.

Idioms That Describe Betrayal

1. Stabbed in the back

Meaning: Betrayed by someone trusted.

Example: “He felt stabbed in the back by his friend.”

2. Betray the cause

Meaning: To harm what one supports.

Example: “He betrayed the cause for money.”

3. Sell down the river

Meaning: Deceive or betray someone.

Example: “She sold her team down the river.”

4. Double-cross

Meaning: To deceitfully betray or cheat someone.

Example: “He was double-crossed in the deal.”

5. Turncoat

Meaning: A person who switches loyalty.

Example: “A turncoat, he joined the rivals.”

6. Two-faced

Meaning: Deceptive or hypocritical.

Example: “She was two-faced at the meeting.”

7. Play Judas

Meaning: Betray someone who trusts you.

Example: “He played Judas to seize power.”

8. Bite the hand that feeds

Meaning: To harm one’s benefactor.

Example: “He bit the hand that fed him.”

9. Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Meaning: Someone pretending to be harmless.

Example: “A wolf in sheep’s clothing indeed!”

10. Backstabber

Meaning: A person who betrays someone’s trust.

Example: “He’s a known backstabber at work.”

11. Under the bus

Meaning: Sacrifice others to save oneself.

Example: “He threw colleagues under the bus.”

12. False friend

Meaning: A friend who betrays.

Example: “She was a false friend, sadly.”

13. Pull the rug out

Meaning: To suddenly withdraw support.

Example: “They pulled the rug out unexpectedly.”

14. Judas kiss

Meaning: A betrayal disguised as affection.

Example: “Her support was a Judas kiss.”

15. Dagger in the heart

Meaning: A deep and shocking betrayal.

Example: “His words were a dagger in the heart.”

16. Cross the line

Meaning: To break moral or social rules.

Example: “He crossed the line with his lies.”

17. Throw someone to the wolves

Meaning: To leave someone to face danger alone.

Example: “Thrown to the wolves, he struggled.”

18. Snake in the grass

Meaning: A hidden enemy or traitor.

Example: “Watch out, he’s a snake in the grass.”

19. Burn one’s bridges

Meaning: Destroy one’s path of return or retreat.

Example: “She burned bridges with her actions.”

20. Play false

Meaning: To act deceitfully.

Example: “He played false to win the game.”

Idioms That Describe Betrayal

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