Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Divorce

Divorce marks a profound shift in personal journeys, often described through idioms that encapsulate the emotional and legal entanglements involved. These expressions provide insight into the complexities of ending a marriage, reflecting both the struggles and sometimes the relief involved.

Idioms That Describe Divorce

1. Cut the Knot

Meaning: To end a marriage.

Example: They decided to cut the knot last year.

2. Split the Sheets

Meaning: To get a divorce.

Example: After much thought, they split the sheets.

3. Break the Bonds

Meaning: To end marital ties.

Example: She chose to break the bonds amicably.

4. Dissolve the Union

Meaning: Legally terminate a marriage.

Example: They agreed to dissolve the union.

5. Untie the Marital Knot

Meaning: To officially end a marriage.

Example: He finally untied the marital knot.

6. End the Chapter

Meaning: Conclude a significant phase.

Example: They ended the chapter peacefully.

7. Sign the Papers

Meaning: Formally agree to divorce.

Example: She hesitated to sign the papers.

8. Go Separate Ways

Meaning: Part ways after a breakup.

Example: It was time to go separate ways.

9. Call It Quits

Meaning: Decide to end a relationship.

Example: They called it quits after ten years.

10. Turn the Page

Meaning: Move on from past events.

Example: Post-divorce, he turned the page.

11. Close the Book

Meaning: End something definitively.

Example: Their divorce closed the book on disagreements.

12. Sever Ties

Meaning: End a relationship completely.

Example: She needed to sever ties for peace.

13. Part Company

Meaning: End a partnership or relationship.

Example: They parted company last autumn.

14. Release the Bonds

Meaning: Free oneself from marital ties.

Example: He released the bonds after years of strain.

15. Cut the Cord

Meaning: Completely end a relationship.

Example: They cut the cord with mutual respect.

16. Shake Off the Chains

Meaning: Free oneself from restricting relationships.

Example: She shook off the chains of a bad marriage.

17. Drop the Curtain

Meaning: Bring an end to a phase or event.

Example: The divorce dropped the curtain on their saga.

18. Burn the Bridges

Meaning: End relations harshly.

Example: He burned the bridges in a heated divorce.

19. Clear the Decks

Meaning: Prepare to start anew by ending the old.

Example: Post-divorce, she cleared the decks for new beginnings.

20. Wipe the Slate Clean

Meaning: Start afresh after past mistakes.

Example: Divorce allowed them to wipe the slate clean.

Idioms That Describe Divorce

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