Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Marriage

Marriage is a profound union that shapes the narrative of many lives, blending two stories into a singular journey. This blog post explores twenty idioms that metaphorically depict the myriad experiences and phases of marriage, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of matrimonial life.

Idioms That Describe Marriage

1. Tie the knot

Meaning: Get married.

Example: They decided to tie the knot next summer.

2. On the rocks

Meaning: Struggling in a relationship.

Example: Their marriage is on the rocks lately.

3. A match made in heaven

Meaning: A perfect relationship.

Example: Their love is a match made in heaven.

4. The old ball and chain

Meaning: A term for a spouse, humorously implying a burden.

Example: He joked about his old ball and chain.

5. Jump the broom

Meaning: To get married (originally a slave wedding tradition).

Example: They jumped the broom joyously.

6. Give someone’s hand

Meaning: Agree to marry.

Example: She gave her hand at the altar.

7. Wear the pants

Meaning: To be the decision-maker in the relationship.

Example: She definitely wears the pants at home.

8. Better half

Meaning: One’s spouse, often more sensible or likable.

Example: His better half is always polite.

9. Walk down the aisle

Meaning: To get married.

Example: They walked down the aisle last June.

10. Made for each other

Meaning: Perfectly suited as a couple.

Example: They are truly made for each other.

11. Kiss and make up

Meaning: Resolve an argument and reconcile.

Example: They always kiss and make up quickly.

12. Splice the mainbrace

Meaning: Celebrate, especially after a wedding (nautical term).

Example: Let’s splice the mainbrace for their union!

13. Two peas in a pod

Meaning: Very similar or well-suited together.

Example: As a couple, they’re two peas in a pod.

14. Play house

Meaning: To pretend to be a domestic couple.

Example: They loved playing house as kids.

15. Put a ring on it

Meaning: To propose marriage.

Example: He finally decided to put a ring on it.

16. Settle down

Meaning: To begin a quieter life in a stable relationship.

Example: They’re ready to settle down together.

17. Hitched

Meaning: Colloquial term for getting married.

Example: They got hitched in a small ceremony.

18. In the doghouse

Meaning: In trouble with one’s spouse.

Example: He’s been in the doghouse all week.

19. Lovey-dovey

Meaning: Displaying affection openly.

Example: They’re always so lovey-dovey in public.

20. Build a life together

Meaning: To develop a shared life through marriage.

Example: They began to build a life together.

Idioms That Describe Marriage

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