Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Experience

Experience shapes who we are and how we navigate the world. Idioms about experience encapsulate wisdom gained through life’s trials and triumphs. These expressions often convey deeper meanings and are commonly used in everyday conversations. Here are 20 idioms that vividly describe various aspects of experience.

1. Been There, Done That

Meaning: Already experienced it.
Example: “I’ve been there, done that with office politics.”

2. Old Hand

Meaning: Experienced person.
Example: “He’s an old hand at sailing.”

3. In the Trenches

Meaning: In the middle of hard work.
Example: “She’s been in the trenches of teaching for years.”

4. Learn the Ropes

Meaning: Understand the basics.
Example: “New employees must learn the ropes.”

5. Put Through the Wringer

Meaning: Undergo a tough experience.
Example: “The project put us through the wringer.”

6. Cut One’s Teeth

Meaning: Gain initial experience.
Example: “She cut her teeth in marketing.”

7. Baptism by Fire

Meaning: First experience is difficult.
Example: “His first day was a baptism by fire.”

8. Trial by Fire

Meaning: Severe test of ability.
Example: “Leading the team was a trial by fire.”

9. Been Around the Block

Meaning: Experienced.
Example: “He’s been around the block in real estate.”

10. Under One’s Belt

Meaning: Achieved or experienced.
Example: “She has five years of experience under her belt.”

11. Put One’s Foot In It

Meaning: Make a mistake due to inexperience.
Example: “He put his foot in it during the meeting.”

12. Knows the Ropes

Meaning: Understands how things work.
Example: “He knows the ropes in this business.”

13. Sink or Swim

Meaning: Succeed or fail without help.
Example: “The new job was sink or swim.”

14. Hard Knocks

Meaning: Difficult life experiences.
Example: “He learned through the school of hard knocks.”

15. Learning Curve

Meaning: Period of learning.
Example: “There’s a steep learning curve in this role.”

16. Wise Beyond Years

Meaning: More experienced than expected.
Example: “She’s wise beyond her years.”

17. Road Less Traveled

Meaning: Unconventional experience.
Example: “She chose the road less traveled in her career.”

18. In Over One’s Head

Meaning: Beyond one’s ability.
Example: “He’s in over his head with this project.”

19. Take the Plunge

Meaning: Commit to a difficult decision.
Example: “They decided to take the plunge and start a business.”

20. Battle-Scarred

Meaning: Experienced and toughened.
Example: “The veteran is battle-scarred but wise.”

Idioms That Describe Experience

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