Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Fear

Fear is a common human emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It can be challenging to describe this complex feeling, but idioms offer a colorful and succinct way to express various aspects of fear. Here are 20 idioms that vividly describe fear, complete with their meanings and example sentences.

Idioms That Describe Fear

1. Scared to Death

Meaning: Extremely frightened.
Example: The loud noise scared me to death.

2. Jump Out of Your Skin

Meaning: Be extremely startled.
Example: The surprise made me jump out of my skin.

3. Heart Misses a Beat

Meaning: To be very surprised or frightened.
Example: Her scream made my heart miss a beat.

4. White as a Ghost

Meaning: Very pale due to fear.
Example: He turned white as a ghost upon seeing it.

5. Break Out in a Cold Sweat

Meaning: Start sweating due to fear or anxiety.
Example: I broke out in a cold sweat during the exam.

6. Hair Stands on End

Meaning: Feel very scared or horrified.
Example: The eerie sound made my hair stand on end.

7. Get Cold Feet

Meaning: Feel too scared to proceed.
Example: He got cold feet before his speech.

8. Goosebumps

Meaning: Small bumps on skin from fear or cold.
Example: The horror story gave me goosebumps.

9. Frightened Out of Your Wits

Meaning: Extremely scared.
Example: The thunderstorm frightened me out of my wits.

10. Shaking Like a Leaf

Meaning: Trembling from fear or anxiety.
Example: She was shaking like a leaf before the interview.

11. Scared Stiff

Meaning: So frightened that one is unable to move.
Example: The sight of the spider scared me stiff.

12. Quaking in Your Boots

Meaning: Trembling with fear.
Example: He was quaking in his boots before the test.

13. Spine-Chilling

Meaning: Very frightening or horrifying.
Example: The ghost story was spine-chilling.

14. Scare the Living Daylights Out of Someone

Meaning: Frighten someone very much.
Example: The prank scared the living daylights out of me.

15. Weak at the Knees

Meaning: Feeling weak due to fear or nervousness.
Example: The high cliff made me weak at the knees.

16. Scare Someone Silly

Meaning: Frighten someone severely.
Example: The haunted house scared me silly.

17. Frozen with Fear

Meaning: Unable to move due to extreme fear.
Example: I was frozen with fear during the earthquake.

18. Nervous Wreck

Meaning: Extremely nervous or anxious.
Example: He was a nervous wreck before his surgery.

19. Freak Out

Meaning: React very strongly to fear or stress.
Example: She freaked out when she saw the snake.

20. Running Scared

Meaning: Feeling fear and trying to avoid it.
Example: The criminals were running scared from the police.

Idioms That Describe Fear

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