Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Friendship

Friendship, a bond we cherish, often finds expression in the colorful language of idioms. These phrases encapsulate the essence of friendship in vibrant and memorable ways. Dive into 20 idioms that perfectly illustrate the journey of friendship, each enriched with meaning and illustrated through a concise example.

Idioms That Describe Friendship

1. Thick as thieves

Meaning: Very close friends.

Example: They are thick as thieves, sharing secrets.

2. Joined at the hip

Meaning: Inseparable friends.

Example: Lisa and Mary are joined at the hip.

3. Fair-weather friend

Meaning: A friend only during good times.

Example: He proved a fair-weather friend.

4. Friend in need is a friend indeed

Meaning: A true friend offers help in hard times.

Example: She’s a friend indeed, always there.

5. Like two peas in a pod

Meaning: Very similar friends.

Example: They laugh alike, like two peas.

6. Birds of a feather

Meaning: Friends with similar interests.

Example: They’re birds of a feather, flocking together.

7. Old flames

Meaning: Former intimate friends or lovers.

Example: Meeting as old flames was awkward.

8. Circle of friends

Meaning: A group of close friends.

Example: His circle of friends is tight-knit.

9. Cross the bridge

Meaning: Deal with problems only when necessary.

Example: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

10. On the same page

Meaning: Agreeing with each other.

Example: Finally, we’re on the same page.

11. Hit it off

Meaning: Quickly become good friends.

Example: They hit it off immediately.

12. A shoulder to cry on

Meaning: Someone who listens to your problems.

Example: She was my shoulder to cry on.

13. Through thick and thin

Meaning: Supporting someone in all situations.

Example: He’s with me through thick and thin.

14. Tie the knot

Meaning: Get married.

Example: They decided to tie the knot.

15. Bury the hatchet

Meaning: End a conflict and become friendly.

Example: It’s time we bury the hatchet.

16. A rock

Meaning: A very reliable person.

Example: In crisis, he’s a rock.

17. Walk the walk

Meaning: Prove it through actions, not words.

Example: He really walks the walk.

18. Talk the talk

Meaning: Speak confidently or knowledgeably.

Example: She can talk the talk.

19. See eye to eye

Meaning: Agree completely.

Example: We often see eye to eye.

20. Break the ice

Meaning: Relieve tension in a social interaction.

Example: He broke the ice with a joke.

Idioms That Describe Friendship

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