Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Greed

Greed is a powerful emotion that often leads to negative consequences. In this post, we’ll explore 20 idioms that vividly describe greed, each accompanied by a brief explanation and an example sentence. These phrases will enhance your understanding of how greed is portrayed in language.

Idioms That Describe Greed

1. Money-grubbing

Meaning: Obsessively pursuing wealth.

Example: He’s known as a money-grubbing CEO.

2. Penny pincher

Meaning: Someone who is very frugal.

Example: She’s a penny pincher at garage sales.

3. Gold digger

Meaning: Someone who forms relationships for money.

Example: He avoided the notorious gold digger.

4. Cash cow

Meaning: A consistent source of income.

Example: That property is a real cash cow.

5. Tight-fisted

Meaning: Unwilling to spend money.

Example: His tight-fisted approach saved thousands.

6. Money talks

Meaning: Money can influence people.

Example: In politics, money talks loudly.

7. Grease the palm

Meaning: To bribe someone.

Example: He greased the palm to win.

8. Filthy rich

Meaning: Extremely wealthy.

Example: They are filthy rich from oil.

9. Cheapskate

Meaning: A person who hates to spend money.

Example: She’s a cheapskate with tips.

10. Cost a pretty penny

Meaning: Very expensive.

Example: That watch cost a pretty penny.

11. Rolling in dough

Meaning: Having a lot of money.

Example: He’s rolling in dough now.

12. Hoarder

Meaning: Someone who accumulates items excessively.

Example: She’s a hoarder of old coins.

13. Money is no object

Meaning: Money is not a concern.

Example: For her, money is no object.

14. Nickel and dime

Meaning: To charge for every little thing.

Example: They nickel and dime customers.

15. Born with a silver spoon

Meaning: Born into a wealthy family.

Example: He was born with a silver spoon.

16. Make a quick buck

Meaning: Earn money quickly.

Example: He aims to make a quick buck.

17. Break the bank

Meaning: To cost a lot of money.

Example: This purchase will break the bank.

18. Money for old rope

Meaning: Money earned for minimal effort.

Example: It’s money for old rope.

19. Worth its weight in gold

Meaning: Extremely valuable.

Example: This advice is worth its weight in gold.

20. Bet your bottom dollar

Meaning: Be very certain.

Example: You can bet your bottom dollar on it.

Idioms That Describe Greed

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