Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Health

Discover idioms that creatively illustrate health conditions. These expressions enrich conversations, providing a colorful way to discuss well-being and ailments.

Idioms That Describe Health

1. Fit as a fiddle

Meaning: In excellent health.

Example: He’s 90 but still fit as a fiddle.

2. Under the weather

Meaning: Feeling slightly ill.

Example: I’m just under the weather today.

3. Feeling blue

Meaning: Feeling sad or depressed.

Example: She’s been feeling blue lately.

4. On the mend

Meaning: Recovering from an illness.

Example: He’s on the mend after surgery.

5. Sick as a dog

Meaning: Very ill.

Example: He’s sick as a dog in bed.

6. As pale as a ghost

Meaning: Looking very sick.

Example: She was as pale as a ghost.

7. Back on one’s feet

Meaning: Recovered from illness.

Example: She’s finally back on her feet.

8. In the pink

Meaning: In good health.

Example: Grandpa is still in the pink.

9. At death’s door

Meaning: Extremely ill.

Example: He was at death’s door yesterday.

10. A clean bill of health

Meaning: Declared healthy by a doctor.

Example: She got a clean bill of health.

11. Down with something

Meaning: Suffering from an illness.

Example: He’s down with the flu.

12. Alive and kicking

Meaning: Still lively and active.

Example: He’s old but alive and kicking.

13. Out of sorts

Meaning: Feeling mildly ill or upset.

Example: I’m just out of sorts today.

14. A shot in the arm

Meaning: Something that boosts one’s health.

Example: This vitamin is a shot in the arm.

15. A bitter pill to swallow

Meaning: A difficult fact to accept.

Example: His diagnosis was a bitter pill.

16. Up and about

Meaning: Active again after an illness.

Example: She’s up and about after the flu.

17. Burning the candle at both ends

Meaning: Overworking oneself.

Example: He’s burning the candle at both ends.

18. No spring chicken

Meaning: No longer young.

Example: He’s no spring chicken but healthy.

19. Kicking the bucket

Meaning: Dying.

Example: He isn’t kicking the bucket yet!

20. Full of beans

Meaning: Full of energy and vitality.

Example: The kids are full of beans today.

Idioms That Describe Health

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