Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Sickness

In the twists and turns of conversation, idioms often capture the essence of experiences, including sickness, with vivid imagery and flair. This post explores 20 English idioms that describe illness, offering a brief meaning and an example for each to enhance your understanding and usage.

Idioms That Describe Sickness

1. Sick as a dog

Meaning: Very ill.

Example: He’s sick as a dog today.

2. Under the weather

Meaning: Feeling ill or unwell.

Example: She’s under the weather, so she stayed home.

3. Feeling green

Meaning: Looking or feeling sick.

Example: I was feeling green after the ride.

4. At death’s door

Meaning: Extremely ill.

Example: He looked like he was at death’s door.

5. Out of sorts

Meaning: Feeling mildly ill.

Example: I’m just out of sorts today.

6. Down with the flu

Meaning: Suffering from the flu.

Example: She’s down with the flu this week.

7. On the sick list

Meaning: Officially excused due to illness.

Example: Joe’s on the sick list again.

8. Laid up

Meaning: Confined due to illness.

Example: She’s been laid up with a cold.

9. Sick to one’s stomach

Meaning: Feeling nausea.

Example: That food made me sick to my stomach.

10. Running a fever

Meaning: Having an elevated body temperature.

Example: He’s running a fever tonight.

11. Off one’s feed

Meaning: Having no appetite.

Example: She’s off her feed again.

12. Not up to par

Meaning: Not feeling well.

Example: I’m not up to par today.

13. In a bad way

Meaning: Seriously ill.

Example: He’s in a bad way with pneumonia.

14. Feel like death warmed up

Meaning: Feeling very ill or tired.

Example: I feel like death warmed up.

15. As pale as a ghost

Meaning: Very pale due to illness or shock.

Example: She was as pale as a ghost.

16. Taken ill

Meaning: Suddenly becoming sick.

Example: He was taken ill at work.

17. Battling a cold

Meaning: Struggling with a cold.

Example: She’s been battling a cold all week.

18. Under the doctor’s care

Meaning: Receiving medical treatment.

Example: He’s under the doctor’s care for his illness.

19. Hanging by a thread

Meaning: Being very sick or fragile.

Example: Her health is hanging by a thread.

20. Walking pneumonia

Meaning: A milder form of pneumonia.

Example: He has walking pneumonia but still works.

Idioms That Describe Sickness

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