20 Idioms That Describe Humility

Humility is a virtue that involves modesty and a lack of ego. It’s a trait that allows individuals to acknowledge their limitations and appreciate others’ contributions without feeling diminished. This collection of idioms explores the various facets of humility, highlighting its importance in personal growth and interpersonal relationships.

1. Down-to-earth

Meaning: Modest, practical
Example: She’s very down-to-earth despite her fame.

2. Keep one’s feet on the ground

Meaning: Remain practical
Example: He keeps his feet on the ground.

3. Not blow one’s own trumpet

Meaning: Avoid self-praise
Example: She never blows her own trumpet.

4. Take a back seat

Meaning: Stay unassuming
Example: He took a back seat during discussions.

5. Eat humble pie

Meaning: Admit error
Example: He ate humble pie after the error.

6. Low-profile

Meaning: Unassuming presence
Example: She keeps a low-profile at work.

7. Not one to steal the spotlight

Meaning: Avoids being center of attention
Example: He’s not one to steal the spotlight.

8. Play second fiddle

Meaning: Be supportive, not leading
Example: She plays second fiddle in their duo.

9. Shrink into the background

Meaning: Stay unnoticed
Example: He shrank into the background.

10. Fly under the radar

Meaning: Avoid drawing attention
Example: They prefer to fly under the radar.

11. No airs and graces

Meaning: Without pretension
Example: She has no airs and graces.

12. Blend into the woodwork

Meaning: Go unnoticed
Example: He blends into the woodwork at parties.

13. Keep one’s head down

Meaning: Avoid prominence
Example: She keeps her head down and works hard.

14. Fade into the background

Meaning: Become inconspicuous
Example: He fades into the background during debates.

15. Modesty personified

Meaning: Extremely modest
Example: She is modesty personified.

16. Cut down to size

Meaning: Humble someone arrogant
Example: His errors cut him down to size.

17. Not cut out to be a star

Meaning: Not seeking fame
Example: He’s not cut out to be a star.

18. Without fanfare

Meaning: Uncelebrated, quietly
Example: They opened the store without fanfare.

19. Not make a spectacle of oneself

Meaning: Avoid drawing attention
Example: She never makes a spectacle of herself.

20. Go about one’s business quietly

Meaning: Work unassumingly
Example: He goes about his business quietly.

Idioms That Describe Humility

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