Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Love

Love is a universal emotion, and idioms about love are found in every language. These expressions add color and depth to our conversations, helping us to convey our feelings more vividly. Here, we present 20 idioms that describe various aspects of love, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence.

Idioms That Describe Love

1. Head Over Heels

Meaning: Deeply in love
Example: “She’s head over heels for him.”

2. Love at First Sight

Meaning: Instant attraction
Example: “It was love at first sight for them.”

3. Puppy Love

Meaning: Youthful infatuation
Example: “Their puppy love is adorable.”

4. Lovebirds

Meaning: Affectionate couple
Example: “Those two are such lovebirds.”

5. Heartthrob

Meaning: Attractive person
Example: “He’s the school’s heartthrob.”

6. To Fall For

Meaning: Begin to love
Example: “She fell for him quickly.”

7. Love Nest

Meaning: Cozy home for lovers
Example: “They found a lovely love nest.”

8. Sweet on Someone

Meaning: Fond of someone
Example: “He’s sweet on his colleague.”

9. Love Triangle

Meaning: Romantic rivalry
Example: “They are stuck in a love triangle.”

10. Double Date

Meaning: Two couples going out
Example: “We planned a fun double date.”

11. Lovey-Dovey

Meaning: Overly affectionate
Example: “They are so lovey-dovey in public.”

12. Heart to Heart

Meaning: Honest conversation
Example: “We had a heart-to-heart talk.”

13. The Apple of My Eye

Meaning: Someone precious
Example: “She is the apple of his eye.”

14. To Break Someone’s Heart

Meaning: Cause emotional pain
Example: “He broke her heart.”

15. Have a Crush

Meaning: Secret admiration
Example: “She has a crush on him.”

16. Love-Hate Relationship

Meaning: Mixed feelings
Example: “They have a love-hate relationship.”

17. Old Flame

Meaning: Past lover
Example: “He ran into an old flame.”

18. Match Made in Heaven

Meaning: Perfect couple
Example: “They are a match made in heaven.”

19. Head and Shoulders Above

Meaning: Much better than others
Example: “Her love for him is head and shoulders above.”

20. To Have Chemistry

Meaning: Mutual attraction
Example: “They definitely have chemistry.”

Idioms That Describe Love

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