Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Luck

Luck plays a pivotal role in our lives, often influencing outcomes and opportunities in ways that are unexpected and profound. Understanding how luck is conceptualized can enrich our expression and appreciation of these random fortunes. Here are twenty idioms that capture the essence of luck, each with a short explanation and an illustrative example to help you grasp and use them effectively.

Idioms That Describe Luck

1. Born under a lucky star

Meaning: Naturally fortunate.

Example: He’s wealthy, truly born under a lucky star.

2. Hit the jackpot

Meaning: Receive a sudden fortune.

Example: She hit the jackpot with that investment.

3. On a roll

Meaning: Experiencing consistent success.

Example: Winning again, he’s really on a roll.

4. Lucky break

Meaning: An unexpected opportunity.

Example: His job offer was a lucky break.

5. Strike it lucky

Meaning: To suddenly become fortunate.

Example: She struck it lucky at the flea market.

6. As luck would have it

Meaning: By chance.

Example: As luck would have it, he arrived on time.

7. Lady Luck

Meaning: A personification of luck.

Example: Lady Luck was on his side today.

8. Luck of the draw

Meaning: Outcome left to chance.

Example: It’s the luck of the draw with raffles.

9. Push one’s luck

Meaning: Test limits of one’s fortune.

Example: He’s pushing his luck by cheating.

10. Beginner’s luck

Meaning: Luck by inexperienced individuals.

Example: She won? That’s beginner’s luck!

11. Down on one’s luck

Meaning: Experiencing a bad luck phase.

Example: He’s down on his luck job-wise.

12. Make one’s own luck

Meaning: Succeed through one’s actions.

Example: She made her own luck with hard work.

13. Out of luck

Meaning: Having no luck.

Example: He’s out of luck with tickets.

14. Better luck next time

Meaning: Wish for future success.

Example: Lost the game? Better luck next time!

15. Luck is on my side

Meaning: Experiencing good luck.

Example: Finally, luck is on my side.

16. No such luck

Meaning: An unsuccessful endeavor.

Example: Tried to win, no such luck.

17. Trust to luck

Meaning: Rely on chance.

Example: He’ll just have to trust to luck.

18. The luck of the Irish

Meaning: Extremely good fortune.

Example: With that win, the luck of the Irish!

19. Bad luck comes in threes

Meaning: Misfortunes often come grouped.

Example: Beware, bad luck comes in threes.

20. Change one’s luck

Meaning: Alter one’s fortune.

Example: He changed his luck with a new strategy.

Idioms That Describe Luck

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