Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Misfortune

Misfortune is an inevitable part of life, affecting us all at different times and in various ways. To express these less fortunate events, we often turn to idioms that encapsulate the essence of our experiences. Here are 20 idioms that vividly describe misfortune, each with a short meaning and an example to illustrate their use.

Idioms That Describe Misfortune

1. When it rains, it pours

Meaning: Problems arrive all at once.

Example: Lost my keys, then my wallet—when it rains, it pours.

2. Out of the frying pan into the fire

Meaning: Going from bad to worse.

Example: Escaping debt, then getting ill—frying pan to fire.

3. Between a rock and a hard place

Meaning: Faced with two bad options.

Example: Pay the fine or face jail—rock and a hard place.

4. Up the creek without a paddle

Meaning: In a difficult situation without help.

Example: Lost in the wild, no map—up the creek.

5. Down on one’s luck

Meaning: Experiencing a bad fortune period.

Example: Jobless again, down on my luck.

6. A tough break

Meaning: An unfortunate occurrence.

Example: Didn’t get the promotion—a tough break.

7. A stroke of bad luck

Meaning: An instance of misfortune.

Example: Rained on my wedding—bad luck.

8. Back to square one

Meaning: Starting over after a failure.

Example: Project failed, back to square one.

9. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: A mistaken or futile approach.

Example: Blamed the innocent—wrong tree.

10. Bite the dust

Meaning: To fail or collapse.

Example: My old laptop finally bit the dust.

11. Caught between two stools

Meaning: Unable to decide between two things.

Example: Can’t choose the job—between stools.

12. Digging your own grave

Meaning: Causing one’s own downfall.

Example: Lying to the boss—digging my grave.

13. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Meaning: Don’t plan based on uncertain events.

Example: Expected a bonus, never came—counting chickens.

14. Fall on deaf ears

Meaning: Be ignored or disregarded.

Example: My warnings fell on deaf ears.

15. Hit rock bottom

Meaning: Reach the lowest possible level.

Example: Bankrupt, hit rock bottom.

16. In dire straits

Meaning: In a very bad situation.

Example: Stranded abroad, in dire straits.

17. On thin ice

Meaning: In a risky situation.

Example: Nearly fired, on thin ice.

18. That ship has sailed

Meaning: It’s too late for an opportunity.

Example: Missed the job offer—that ship sailed.

19. Throw in the towel

Meaning: To give up.

Example: Quit the course, threw in the towel.

20. Under the weather

Meaning: Feeling ill or unhappy.

Example: Missed the party, under the weather.

Idioms That Describe Misfortune

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