Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Music

Explore the rich language of music through idioms that capture its essence and impact. This post dives into 20 colorful expressions, offering meanings and concise examples, enhancing your linguistic repertoire and understanding of musical metaphors.

Idioms That Describe Music

1. Music to my ears

Meaning: Something very pleasant to hear.

Example: “Your acceptance is music to my ears.”

2. Face the music

Meaning: Accept the consequences.

Example: “He lied, now he must face the music.”

3. Change your tune

Meaning: Alter your opinion or attitude.

Example: “He quickly changed his tune when he saw the boss.”

4. Strike a chord

Meaning: Evoke a strong emotional response.

Example: “Her speech really struck a chord.”

5. Play it by ear

Meaning: Improvise or go with the flow.

Example: “Let’s play it by ear for our trip.”

6. Fine-tune

Meaning: Make small adjustments to improve something.

Example: “Fine-tune your resume for the job.”

7. Blow your own trumpet

Meaning: Boast about one’s own talents.

Example: “He loves to blow his own trumpet.”

8. Ring out

Meaning: To sound loudly and clearly.

Example: “Freedom bells ring out joyously.”

9. Set the tone

Meaning: Establish a specific mood or atmosphere.

Example: “Her smile set the tone for the evening.”

10. On a different note

Meaning: Changing the subject in conversation.

Example: “On a different note, how are you?”

11. In tune with

Meaning: In agreement or harmony.

Example: “She is in tune with modern trends.”

12. Out of tune

Meaning: Not in agreement; discordant.

Example: “His remarks were out of tune with the mood.”

13. Drum up

Meaning: Try to increase business activity or interest.

Example: “We need to drum up some new clients.”

14. Harp on

Meaning: Talk or write about persistently.

Example: “He harps on about past mistakes.”

15. Hit the right note

Meaning: Do or say something suitable or fitting.

Example: “Her apology hit the right note.”

16. Jazz up

Meaning: Make something more lively or exciting.

Example: “Jazz up your outfit with a scarf.”

17. Make a song and dance about

Meaning: Make a big fuss or deal about something.

Example: “She made a song and dance about the delay.”

18. March to the beat of your own drum

Meaning: Do things the way you think is best.

Example: “He marches to his own drum.”

19. Tune out

Meaning: Stop listening or paying attention.

Example: “I just tune out during long meetings.”

20. Banging on about

Meaning: Keep talking about something not of interest.

Example: “She’s always banging on about her cat.”

Idioms That Describe Music

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