Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Relationships

Relationships are complex and multifaceted, involving various emotions and dynamics. Idioms can provide insightful and colorful ways to describe these interactions. Here are 20 idioms that vividly capture different aspects of relationships.

Idioms That Describe Relationships

1. Thick as thieves

Meaning: Very close friends.

Example: They’re thick as thieves.

2. Joined at the hip

Meaning: Inseparably close.

Example: They are joined at the hip.

3. Birds of a feather flock together

Meaning: Similar people group together.

Example: They’re birds of a feather.

4. Fair-weather friend

Meaning: Friend only during good times.

Example: He’s a fair-weather friend.

5. Burn bridges

Meaning: Permanently damage relationships.

Example: She tends to burn bridges.

6. Cross the bridge when you come to it

Meaning: Deal with problems later.

Example: We’ll cross that bridge later.

7. Mend fences

Meaning: Improve strained relations.

Example: They’re mending fences now.

8. On the rocks

Meaning: In serious trouble.

Example: Their marriage is on the rocks.

9. A match made in heaven

Meaning: Perfect relationship.

Example: They’re a heavenly match.

10. Break the ice

Meaning: Reduce tension.

Example: He broke the ice nicely.

11. Through thick and thin

Meaning: In all situations.

Example: Friends through thick and thin.

12. Build bridges

Meaning: Foster good relationships.

Example: Let’s build bridges here.

13. At loggerheads

Meaning: Constantly arguing.

Example: They’re always at loggerheads.

14. Tie the knot

Meaning: Get married.

Example: They finally tied the knot.

15. Walk on eggshells

Meaning: Be overly careful.

Example: He walks on eggshells.

16. Bury the hatchet

Meaning: Make peace.

Example: They buried the hatchet.

17. Kiss and make up

Meaning: Reconcile after a fight.

Example: They kissed and made up.

18. Play second fiddle

Meaning: Be less important.

Example: He plays second fiddle.

19. Burn the candle at both ends

Meaning: Overwork, affecting relationships.

Example: She burns the candle.

20. Rock the boat

Meaning: Cause disturbances.

Example: Don’t rock the boat.


Idioms That Describe Relationships

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