20 Idioms That Describe Security

Security is a crucial aspect of life, whether it’s personal, financial, or digital. Idioms about security provide a colorful way to express feelings and situations related to safety and protection. Here are 20 idioms that describe security, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence.

1. Safe and Sound

Meaning: Unharmed
Example: She arrived home safe and sound.

2. In Safe Hands

Meaning: Protected
Example: Your money is in safe hands.

3. Lock and Key

Meaning: Securely kept
Example: Important documents are under lock and key.

4. Safe Haven

Meaning: Place of safety
Example: The library is a safe haven for students.

5. Fort Knox

Meaning: Very secure
Example: Her house is like Fort Knox.

6. Bulletproof Plan

Meaning: Foolproof
Example: We have a bulletproof plan for this project.

7. Cast Iron Guarantee

Meaning: Certain assurance
Example: The warranty is a cast iron guarantee.

8. Peace of Mind

Meaning: Mental security
Example: Insurance gives you peace of mind.

9. Under Lock and Key

Meaning: Safely locked
Example: Jewelry is kept under lock and key.

10. Under One’s Wing

Meaning: Protected by someone
Example: He took her under his wing.

11. Buttoned Up

Meaning: Securely arranged
Example: All arrangements are buttoned up.

12. On the Safe Side

Meaning: Cautious
Example: Let’s be on the safe side.

13. Hold the Fort

Meaning: Maintain security
Example: I’ll hold the fort while you’re away.

14. Secure as a Bank

Meaning: Very secure
Example: His investments are secure as a bank.

15. Shielded from Harm

Meaning: Protected
Example: The soldiers are shielded from harm.

16. As Safe as Houses

Meaning: Very secure
Example: Their investment is as safe as houses.

17. Guarded Secrets

Meaning: Well-protected secrets
Example: Their recipes are guarded secrets.

18. Under Wraps

Meaning: Kept secret
Example: The project is still under wraps.

19. In the Bag

Meaning: Secured success
Example: The deal is in the bag.

20. Safety Net

Meaning: Backup plan
Example: A savings account is a safety net.

Idioms That Describe Security

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