20 Idioms That Describe Sight

Sight-related idioms vividly convey how we perceive and interpret what we see. They are commonly used in everyday language to describe clarity, visibility, and perception. This blog post explores 20 idioms that describe sight, providing short meanings and examples to help you understand and use them effectively in your conversations.

1. Apple of My Eye

Meaning: Someone cherished
Example: My daughter is the apple of my eye.

2. In the Blink of an Eye

Meaning: Very quickly
Example: The car disappeared in the blink of an eye.

3. Turn a Blind Eye

Meaning: Ignore deliberately
Example: He turned a blind eye to their mistakes.

4. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Meaning: Forgotten when unseen
Example: She moved away and became out of sight, out of mind.

5. See Eye to Eye

Meaning: Agree completely
Example: They see eye to eye on the project’s goals.

6. Catch Someone’s Eye

Meaning: Attract attention
Example: The colorful display caught my eye.

7. Feast Your Eyes On

Meaning: Look with pleasure
Example: Feast your eyes on this beautiful painting.

8. In One’s Mind’s Eye

Meaning: In imagination
Example: In my mind’s eye, I can still see the old house.

9. With a Naked Eye

Meaning: Without enhancement
Example: You can see the stars with the naked eye.

10. See the Light

Meaning: Understand finally
Example: After the explanation, she finally saw the light.

11. Pull the Wool Over Someone’s Eyes

Meaning: Deceive
Example: He tried to pull the wool over my eyes with his lies.

12. Look Like a Million Bucks

Meaning: Appear attractive
Example: She looked like a million bucks in that dress.

13. Keep an Eye On

Meaning: Watch closely
Example: Please keep an eye on the soup while it cooks.

14. The Eye of the Storm

Meaning: Center of trouble
Example: He was in the eye of the storm during the scandal.

15. Eyes Like a Hawk

Meaning: Very observant
Example: She has eyes like a hawk and notices every detail.

16. An Eye for an Eye

Meaning: Retaliation
Example: The punishment was an eye for an eye.

17. Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Meaning: Subjective perception
Example: To her, that old house was beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

18. Turn a Blind Eye

Meaning: Pretend not to notice
Example: She turned a blind eye to the obvious problem.

19. Get an Eyeful

Meaning: See something remarkable
Example: You’ll get an eyeful of the city from the top of the tower.

20. Eyes on the Prize

Meaning: Focus on goal
Example: Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t get distracted.

Idioms That Describe Sight

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