Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Silence

Silence often speaks louder than words. This blog post explores 20 idioms that encapsulate the various aspects and nuances of silence, each conveying unique meanings and emotions. Discover how these expressions can enrich your language and enhance your understanding of quiet moments.

Idioms That Describe Silence

1. As silent as the grave

Meaning: Completely quiet, eerie silence.

Example: The abandoned house was as silent as the grave.

2. Silence is golden

Meaning: It’s often better to say nothing.

Example: At the meeting, silence was golden.

3. The silence was deafening

Meaning: A very noticeable and uncomfortable silence.

Example: After the verdict, the silence was deafening.

4. Mum’s the word

Meaning: Keep this information a secret.

Example: About the surprise party, mum’s the word.

5. Keep it under your hat

Meaning: Keep something secret.

Example: Keep the news under your hat.

6. Hold your tongue

Meaning: To refrain from speaking.

Example: He had to hold his tongue during the debate.

7. Not a peep

Meaning: No sound or communication.

Example: There was not a peep from the children.

8. Bite your tongue

Meaning: Stop yourself from saying something.

Example: I had to bite my tongue at the comment.

9. Hear a pin drop

Meaning: Extremely quiet.

Example: It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

10. Button your lip

Meaning: To stop talking or to keep quiet.

Example: He buttoned his lip after the warning.

11. Keep shtum

Meaning: Remain silent, especially to avoid trouble.

Example: He decided to keep shtum about the incident.

12. Put a sock in it

Meaning: To tell someone to be quiet.

Example: She told him to put a sock in it.

13. Zip your lip

Meaning: To stop talking.

Example: He zipped his lip when she entered.

14. Give it a rest

Meaning: Stop talking about something.

Example: Can you give it a rest already?

15. Steal someone’s thunder

Meaning: To take attention away from someone.

Example: Don’t steal her thunder with your news!

16. Hush-hush

Meaning: To be kept secret.

Example: The project is hush-hush.

17. Speak volumes

Meaning: Convey a lot even when quiet.

Example: Her look spoke volumes.

18. Tight-lipped

Meaning: Unwilling to speak about something.

Example: He was tight-lipped about the scandal.

19. Lose your tongue

Meaning: Be too shy or surprised to speak.

Example: Did you lose your tongue?

20. Cat got your tongue?

Meaning: Why are you not speaking?

Example: What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?

Idioms That Describe Silence

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