Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Slavery

Explore idioms that poignantly capture the essence of journeys, each a linguistic pathway reflecting varied experiences. This blog post delves into 20 such expressions, providing meanings and concise examples to enhance your understanding and usage in daily conversations.

Idioms That Describe Slavery

1. Hit the road

Meaning: To begin a journey.

Example: We hit the road at dawn.

2. Off the beaten track

Meaning: A route that is uncommon.

Example: They camped off the beaten track.

3. On the road

Meaning: Traveling, especially as a way of life.

Example: He’s been on the road for weeks.

4. Take the scenic route

Meaning: Choose a longer path, usually more picturesque.

Example: They took the scenic route home.

5. Trailblazer

Meaning: Pioneer in any field.

Example: She was a trailblazer in medicine.

6. Tread new paths

Meaning: To explore new ways of doing something.

Example: He’s treading new paths in science.

7. Journey of a thousand miles

Meaning: A long and challenging process.

Example: It’s a journey of a thousand miles.

8. Cross that bridge when you come to it

Meaning: Deal with a problem only when it occurs.

Example: We’ll cross that bridge later.

9. The home stretch

Meaning: The final portion of a journey or task.

Example: We’re in the home stretch now!

10. Go the extra mile

Meaning: Do more than what is required.

Example: She always goes the extra mile.

11. Down the road

Meaning: At a future point or situation.

Example: We’ll decide down the road.

12. Burn bridges

Meaning: Destroy one’s path, opportunities, or relationships.

Example: He tends to burn bridges.

13. Blaze a trail

Meaning: To innovate or be pioneering.

Example: She blazed a trail in tech.

14. Follow in someone’s footsteps

Meaning: To pursue someone’s path or career.

Example: He followed in his father’s footsteps.

15. Path of least resistance

Meaning: The easiest way to do something.

Example: He took the path of least resistance.

16. Chart a course

Meaning: Plan a method or route to achieve something.

Example: They charted a course for success.

17. Lead the way

Meaning: To guide or be a leader.

Example: She always leads the way.

18. Stray from the path

Meaning: To deviate from the plan.

Example: He never strays from the path.

19. A stone’s throw away

Meaning: Very close distance.

Example: It’s just a stone’s throw away.

20. Cross the Rubicon

Meaning: Pass a point of no return.

Example: He crossed the Rubicon with his decision.

Idioms That Describe Slavery

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