Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Speed

Speed is a universal concept, often depicted in language through vivid idioms. These expressions not only convey velocity but also the urgency or rapid progression in various contexts. Here, we explore 20 idioms that capture the essence of speed, each with a succinct definition and an illustrative example.

Idioms That Describe Speed

1. Quick as a flash

Meaning: Extremely fast.

Example: He ran quick as a flash.

2. Fast as lightning

Meaning: Very quick and sudden.

Example: She answered fast as lightning.

3. Like greased lightning

Meaning: Very fast and smooth.

Example: He moved like greased lightning.

4. In the blink of an eye

Meaning: Happening very quickly.

Example: It was gone in the blink of an eye.

5. Speed of light

Meaning: Incredibly fast.

Example: News traveled at the speed of light.

6. Swift as the wind

Meaning: Very fast.

Example: She runs swift as the wind.

7. Faster than a speeding bullet

Meaning: Extremely fast.

Example: He drove faster than a speeding bullet.

8. Make haste

Meaning: Hurry up.

Example: Make haste to the meeting.

9. On the double

Meaning: Quickly, immediately.

Example: Get here on the double!

10. At full throttle

Meaning: At maximum speed.

Example: He went at full throttle.

11. At breakneck speed

Meaning: Dangerously fast.

Example: Driving at breakneck speed.

12. Burn rubber

Meaning: To drive very fast.

Example: They burned rubber out of there.

13. Hit the ground running

Meaning: Start quickly and energetically.

Example: She hit the ground running.

14. Off to a flying start

Meaning: Started very quickly.

Example: He’s off to a flying start.

15. Pedal to the metal

Meaning: Go as fast as possible.

Example: He put the pedal to the metal.

16. Faster than the wind

Meaning: Extremely fast.

Example: Sailing faster than the wind.

17. Like a bat out of hell

Meaning: Moving very fast and recklessly.

Example: He left like a bat out of hell.

18. Time flies

Meaning: Time passes very quickly.

Example: Time flies when you’re having fun.

19. As quick as a wink

Meaning: Very quickly.

Example: He agreed as quick as a wink.

20. Race against time

Meaning: Do something as fast as possible.

Example: It’s a race against time now.

Idioms That Describe Speed

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