Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Slowness

In our fast-paced world, it’s often enlightening to slow down. This post explores 20 idioms that encapsulate the concept of slowness, offering a linguistic pause to appreciate the slower moments of life.

Idioms That Describe Slowness

1. Slow as molasses

Meaning: Extremely slow.

Example: He walks slow as molasses.

2. Snail’s pace

Meaning: Very slowly.

Example: Progress moved at a snail’s pace.

3. Watching paint dry

Meaning: Something very boring or slow.

Example: Waiting here is like watching paint dry.

4. As slow as a wet week

Meaning: Very slow and dragging.

Example: This day is as slow as a wet week.

5. Like watching grass grow

Meaning: Boringly slow.

Example: The lecture was like watching grass grow.

6. Slow burner

Meaning: Slowly developing.

Example: The plot is a slow burner.

7. Slow on the uptake

Meaning: Slow to understand or realize.

Example: He’s slow on the uptake.

8. Slow but sure

Meaning: Slow yet reliable.

Example: His progress is slow but sure.

9. At a snail’s gallop

Meaning: Very slowly.

Example: He works at a snail’s gallop.

10. To drag one’s feet

Meaning: Delay in action or progress.

Example: She always drags her feet.

11. At a glacier’s pace

Meaning: Extremely slow.

Example: Change here happens at a glacier’s pace.

12. Slow as the Mississippi

Meaning: Very slow.

Example: He’s slow as the Mississippi.

13. Slower than molasses in January

Meaning: Exceptionally slow.

Example: This queue is slower than molasses in January.

14. To crawl at a snail’s pace

Meaning: To move very slowly.

Example: Traffic crawled at a snail’s pace.

15. To take one’s time

Meaning: Proceed slowly.

Example: She always takes her time.

16. Like a tortoise

Meaning: Extremely slow.

Example: He runs like a tortoise.

17. To move at a leisurely pace

Meaning: To move slowly.

Example: We moved at a leisurely pace.

18. To inch along

Meaning: To move very slowly.

Example: The line inches along slowly.

19. To dawdle

Meaning: To waste time or be slow.

Example: Stop dawdling and hurry up!

20. To lag behind

Meaning: To fall behind in movement or progress.

Example: He often lags behind the rest.

Idioms That Describe Slowness

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