Learn 20 Idioms That Describe Youth

Youth is often seen as a time of vibrancy and discovery. In this blog post, we explore 20 idioms that beautifully capture the essence and spirit of youth, each vividly describing its various facets from exuberance to the fleeting nature of this cherished period.

Idioms That Describe Youth

1. Spring chicken

Meaning: A young and inexperienced person.

Example: He’s a spring chicken in politics.

2. Wet behind the ears

Meaning: Naive due to lack of experience.

Example: She’s still wet behind the ears.

3. In the flower of youth

Meaning: Being in the prime youthful period.

Example: He’s in the flower of youth.

4. Young blood

Meaning: Energetically youthful.

Example: Young blood fuels our team.

5. Not born yesterday

Meaning: Not naive or easily fooled.

Example: I wasn’t born yesterday!

6. Young at heart

Meaning: Remaining youthful in spirit.

Example: Grandma is young at heart.

7. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Meaning: Eager and enthusiastic.

Example: He’s bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

8. Green

Meaning: Inexperienced or immature.

Example: He’s still a bit green.

9. Knee-high to a grasshopper

Meaning: Extremely young or small.

Example: She was knee-high then.

10. Fresh-faced

Meaning: Looking youthful and innocent.

Example: A team of fresh-faced recruits.

11. Full of beans

Meaning: Energetic and lively.

Example: The kids are full of beans.

12. Whippersnapper

Meaning: A young and inexperienced person, often implying impertinence.

Example: That whippersnapper needs to learn.

13. Barely out of diapers

Meaning: Very young or inexperienced.

Example: He’s barely out of diapers.

14. Puppy fat

Meaning: The extra weight of youth.

Example: He’ll lose his puppy fat.

15. A fledgling

Meaning: Someone young and inexperienced.

Example: She’s a fledgling lawyer.

16. Peaches and cream

Meaning: Youthful, soft, and healthy appearance.

Example: Her peaches and cream complexion.

17. Baby-faced

Meaning: Having a youthful face.

Example: He’s baby-faced at thirty.

18. Milk-fed

Meaning: Naive or immature.

Example: They’re a bit milk-fed.

19. Schoolboy error

Meaning: A basic mistake, typical of inexperience.

Example: That was a schoolboy error.

20. As green as grass

Meaning: Extremely inexperienced.

Example: He’s as green as grass.

Idioms That Describe Youth

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